Website New Ulm Public Schools New Ulm Public Schools
New Ulm Public Schools
MN Special Education Teacher License required with a desired emphasis in ECSE, EBD, ABS, and/or ASD. Teacher will work with Pre-K and kindergarten students and manage a caseload.
District Application Guidelines
MN Special Education Teacher License required with a desired emphasis in ECSE, EBD, ABS, and/or ASD. Teacher will work with Pre-K and kindergarten students and manage a caseload.
Desired Qualifications:
Licensure in ECSE preferred
Experience with behavior intervention and management strategies.
Experience with social skills instruction and interventions.
Experience with play-based learning.
Knowledge of the evaluation process
Knowledge of service delivery models and supporting the continuum of special education
Ability to relate and communicate effectively with teachers, students, parents, and administrators from diverse cultures
Ability to problem solve with staff and teams
Ability to train and guide paraprofessionals.
Knowledge of district special education programs
Understanding and experience in assessment and data-driven decision-making
Please complete your application by clicking the box below:
- Be sure to review the district’s requirements for the application process and provide all required documents.
- Some districts may require that candidates apply through an external link. If that is the case, the link will be noted in the job posting.
- If the posting does not indicate an external link, apply using your MASA online candidate profile and click on the box below.
- If you have not completed your candidate profile within our site, please do so by clicking here. Many districts search the profiles for promising candidates. To improve your outcome, please complete all requested information.
You will need to have a Jobsite account and be signed in to view your candidate profile.