Website Pine River-Backus Schools
Pine River-Backus Schools is seeking to hire a PreK-6 grade Elementary Principal to lead our school with vision, passion and a commitment to student success. The Pine River-Backus School, located in the heart of the lakes area, has approximately 841 K-12 grade students. Licensure as a Minnesota K-12 Principal is required.
Salary range: $110,000-$120,000
Duty Days: 215
Benefits include group health and life insurance, personal leave, sick leave, 403b match and state pension plan.
Job Summary: Leads and manages the operation of the elementary school, grades PreK-6. Supervises all certified and non-certified staff, provides instructional and curriuculm leadership, plans and conducts communications with the school board, parents, faculty, staff and students. Develops sound operational philosophy, implements research-based educational strategies and prepares required documentation.
Major Areas of Accountability:
Assists in developing methods for evaluating students’ progress toward educational goals.
Maintains a system for reporting pupil progress to parents.
Maintains a student centered philosophy of education and considers welfare of the student as a paramount responsibility.
Directs elementary special education program and participates in staffings for special education students.
Directs the coordination of the Title 1 program and ADSIS.
Designs and implements a system for the observation, supervision and evaluation of school personnel.
Promotes staff morale and demonstrates a committment to professional growth including the planning of in-service and other professional growth activities for staff members.
Participates in and honors the leadership team process.
Assumes major responsibility in the recruiting, screening, hiring and assigning of professional and non-professional elementary personnel.
Oversees obtaining substitute teachers and paraprofessionals for the elementary school.
Develops student and faculty handbooks and manuals.
Works with the Director of Teaching and Learning to recommend to the Superintendent curriculum and courses of study for the elementary school.
Oversees pupil registrations, class loads and such phases of pupil accounting as are considered essential and develops and guides an acceptable program of guidance, counseling and testing.
Prepares and monitors program budgets for the allocation of the resources of the elementary school in cooperation with the Business Manager.
Approves requisitions for supplies and equipment for all elementary departments.
Makes recommendations regarding the selection of textbooks and other instructional materials.
Administers safety and security procedures for the building, equipment, grounds and transportation related to the elementary school.
Participates in the planning and supervision of fire drills, emergency preparedness program and all other school crisis and civil incidents, providing for the safety and well being of students and staff.
Plans, conducts and attends meetings with students, staff, parents, school board and community members.
Supervises the submission of federal, state and district office reports, acknowledging and adhering to statutes and school district policies.
Makes periodic reports to the Superintendent containing pertinent information relative to school activities, school progress, school discipline, personnel reports, etc.
Prepares reports and presents to the school board as requested by the Superintendent.
Implements negotiated contracts, as necessary.
Maintains professional growth through workshops, seminars, conferences and professional readings.
Serves as liaison between school, staff, students and the community interpreting school district policy and responding to written, telephone and personal requests for information from all district clients.
Administrative experience preferred but not required.
Three years of teaching experience mandatory.
District Application Guidelines
Please apply through Frontline
Please complete your application by clicking the box below:
- Be sure to review the district’s requirements for the application process and provide all required documents.
- Some districts may require that candidates apply through an external link. If that is the case, the link will be noted in the job posting.
- If the posting does not indicate an external link, apply using your MASA online candidate profile and click on the box below.
- If you have not completed your candidate profile within our site, please do so by clicking here. Many districts search the profiles for promising candidates. To improve your outcome, please complete all requested information.
You will need to have a Jobsite account and be signed in to view your candidate profile.