YOU CAN POST JOBS! Post unlimited job vacancies, for all levels of positions. The MASA Jobsite Online is well managed with daily attention to detail and customer service.
YOU CAN FIND CANDIDATES! Are you trying to find a candidate for that hard-to-fill position? Along with posting your vacancies, we currently have 1,000+ candidate profiles. These candidates are licensed in all categories, including; administrative, elementary education, special education, family and consumer science, music, English, math, social studies, etc.
YOU CAN REDUCE YOUR ADVERTISING BUDGET! The cost of an annual subscription is less than just a couple of advertisements placed in the Minneapolis Star Tribune or Pioneer Press newspaper. Also, the Department of Education recognizes the MASA Jobsite as a valid advertisement when a district is seeking a variance for a teacher in a specific subject.
Yearly Rates:
- Up to 100 Students $101.00
- 101-300 Students (or Coops) $214.00
- 301-500 Students $316.00
- 501-1000 Students $407.00
- Search Firm or Business $535.00
- 1001-5000 Students $816.00
- 5001-10,000 Students $1,173.00
- 10,000+ Students $1,683.00
Click here to subscribe Subscribe
Please Note:
You can pay by credit card or choose to be billed. Please don’t forget that effective on January 1, 2025, employers with 30 or more employees at one or more sites in Minnesota must disclose the starting salary range and a general description of all benefits and other compensation, including but not limited to any health or retirement benefits. If an employer does not plan to offer a salary range for a position, it must list a fixed pay rate. A salary range may not be open ended.
Per M.S. 181.173, this requirement applies to any job postings made electronically or via printed hard copy, including postings made by a third party, that include qualifications for desired applicants.
Please contact us if you have any questions:
Stephanie Kastanos Direct 651-251-0314 [email protected]
Phone: 651-645-6272 [email protected]