After serving St. Michael-Albertville School District for six years, Superintendent Dr. Jim Behle is retiring June 30, 2016. Selecting a new superintendent is perhaps the single most important decision a school board will make. It has appointed a Superintendent Search Coordinating Committee (SSCC) to support the school board in hiring the next Superintendent. General Information The Board has approved the superintendent search calendar, job description, job posting and brochure and designated a Superintendent Search Coordinating Committee (SSCC) which includes: Board Member Peyerl; Human Resources Director Claseman; Superintendent Behle; Principal Driver; and Principal Brown. All School Board members will individually review each application. The Board will compile an initial list of potential candidates for the SSCC. The SSCC will notify candidates to complete an online profile and will conduct screening interviews of potential candidates. The School Board will then select candidates for the first round of interviews based upon applications, online profile and screening interviews. The board will designate a group of key stakeholders who would be present for interviews and provide feedback to the board. The board-designated key stakeholders would one member from the Principals, SEIU Support Staff, SEIU Custodial Maintenance, STMA Ed Minnesota (two members), Community Education, Coaches Association, Business Community Member and STMA parents (one PTO, one randomly selected at large). Search Calendar Jan Mar 23: Recruit candidates Apr 12-13: Conduct first round of interviews Apr 18: Select two to three finalists Apr 26-28: Conduct second round of interviews May 16: Board action to hire new superintendent Questions? Please contact the Office of the Superintendent at 763-497-3180.
East Central
Drug Free Communities Grant Coordinator
An opening exists at the Onamia Public Schools for a full-time Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Grant Coordinator. This is a temporary, grant-funded position and is expected to be funded through June 30, 2020. Some overnight, evening, and weekend hours will be required. The DFC Grant Coordinator is responsible for implementing and monitoring all grant activities according to the specifications of the Drug Free Communities Support Program and under the supervision of the Project Coordinator and Program Director. The grant coordinator will oversee the implementation of substance abuse prevention curricula in the secondary school, organize youth development and leadership activities, and coordinate the work of the Mille Lacs Area Partners for Prevention (MAPP) Coalition.
Responsible for providing leadership to the School Board, District staff, and the community toward the goals and objectives for which the public schools are established. Assist and advise the School Board in the policy making process, organize and direct the instructional, supporting, and administrative staff, make administrative regulations, assign responsibility and is responsible to the School Board for the quality of the school program and the overall operation of the schools.
Birth – 3 Speech/Language Pathologist
Birth 3 Speech/Language Pathologist for Meeker & Wright Special Education Cooperative (MAWSECO) #0938-52 (Cokato, Delano, Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted) 1.0 FTE Position available for the remainder of the 2015-2016 School Year, with potential for following years.
Payroll-Benefits Clerk
Description and Details: Foley Public Schools has an opening for a full-time Payroll/Benefits Clerk. This position is responsible for (but not limited to) completing payroll processing and reporting as well as maintaining payroll, benefit and leave records of the employees of the school district. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: 1.Works to accomplish the district mission and focus on achieving the district goals while promoting a positive image of the Foley Public Schools and Community Education programs internally and externally. 2.Orients new full time employees regarding payroll and fringe benefits 3. Enters data of employees into SMARTHR payroll system 4. Establishes and maintains numerous spreadsheets to ensure correct payroll processing 5. Coordinates Time Clocks Plus (TCP) computer system to track support staff hours 6. Edits and imports TCP timesheets into SMARTHR payroll system 7. Monitors coding on all district wide payroll timesheets 8. Proofs payroll and generates ACH file to Bremer Bank each pay period 9. Makes federal, state, retirement & 403(b) deposits each pay period 10. Reconciles payroll vouchers & forwards to Accounts Payable Clerk for data entry and check printing 11.Primary contact to or with, dental, life & LTD insurance companies b.TRA & PERA c.unions regarding membership and dues d.employees regarding the use of Employee Self Service (ESS) 12.Processes 403(b) tax shelter annuity (TSA) salary deferrals to The Omni Group (third party administrator, aka ‘TPA’) 13.Processes district and employee contributions into Select Account Flex, VEBA/HRA and HSA accounts 14.Prepares Federal, State & Unemployment Compensation Quarterly Reports 15.Prepares COBRA and Retirement paperwork 16.Processes Severance payments for Teachers to MN State Retirement System (MSRS) 17.Prepares IRS Affordable Care Act reports (including, but not limited to, 1094 & 1095 forms) 18.Reconciles employees’ W-2’s at calendar year end 19.Maintains and sets up new year Leave System in SMARTHR 20.Monthly processes ACH Retiree file to Frandsen Bank 21. Other duties as assigned
Special Education Coordinator
Coordinator of Special Education Programs throughout the Sherburne/Northern Wright Special Education Cooperative four member school districts of Becker, Big Lake, Monticello, and St. Michael/Albertville The Special Education Coordinator is responsible for providing leadership and technical assistance to teachers, principals, district administrators, and the community in Sherburne/Northern Wright Special Education Cooperative area to ensure that all students with disabilities are served appropriately and to assist the districts with maximizing their state and federal funding.