We are looking for the ideal candidate to fill a full-time paraprofessional position at CE Jacobson Elementary to begin immediately. Must have ability to work with students who have academic and/or emotional/behavioral disabilities and ability to work as a team with other adults. Must have 2 years of college or pass the ParaPro test. This position is open until filled and applications will be reviewed as they are received.
East Central
Assistant Director of Special Education
Full-time position available July 1, 2022
Job Description Summary:
Under the direction of the Executive Director, the Assistant Director of Special Education is responsible for providing leadership to member districts in implementing and maintaining Special Education programs and services in conformance to district, state, and federal objectives and laws in conjunction with the Executive Director. Essential duties outlined below are intended as “representative” examples of the level, nature, and decision-making expectation of positions assigned to this classification.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
- Provides consultation to member districts in collaboration with Special Education Coordinators.
- Attends IEP and/or Alternative Dispute Resolution meetings in individual districts, at Director or Administrator request, when conflict is anticipated.
- Provides technical assistance on legal and regulatory compliance in special education.
- Monitors and ensures compliance with legal requirements and due process procedures.
- Performs supervisory responsibilities for all MAWSECO staff directly supervised. Performs such representative responsibilities as:
- Conducts staff evaluations for all assigned staff including 3 formal evaluations for non-tenured staff and formal evaluations of all paraprofessional staff.
- Conducts pre-observational, observational and post evaluation meetings. Provides support, feedback and identifies correction actions or disciplinary needs, if indicated.
- Develops, coordinates and implements professional development to meet the needs of the Cooperative.
- Develops, analyzes, and makes recommendations to the executive director in the area of resource management.
- Assumes leadership roles as assigned by the Executive Director. Assignments may include:
- Serves as the Special Education Coordinator of Maple Lake District
- Serves on Committees, as assigned by the Executive Director.
- Assists the Executive Director with cooperative staffing analysis and makes recommendations for staffing needs.
- Provides leadership to the special education coordinators or others under the direction of the executive director.
School Social Worker
School Social Worker
Position Purpose:
The School Social Worker position brings unique knowledge and skills to the school system and the student services team. School Social Workers are trained mental health professionals who can assist with mental health concerns, behavioral concerns, positive behavioral support, academic, and classroom support, consultation with teachers, parents, and administrators as well as provide individual and group counseling/therapy. School social workers are instrumental in furthering the mission of the schools, which is to provide a setting for teaching, learning, and for the attainment of competence and confidence. School social workers are hired by school districts to enhance the district’s ability to meet its academic mission, especially where home, school, and community collaboration is the key to achieving student success.
Position Location: Currently, we have one school social worker position open for the 2022-23 school year serving Pine City Elementary School.
Essential Duties:
- MTSS Implementation
- Promote and assist in effective and efficient school-wide implementation of an MTSS framework for both academics and social emotional learning, in partnership with building administrators and teams
- Collaborate with the county, school district, and education district to implement a screening process to promote early intervention with students at-risk for mental health problems
- Participate in the Student Assistance Team (SAT), Problem Solving Team (PST), Student Support Team (SST) and/or other data team meetings within the building(s) of assignment
- Collect information to identify and analyze problems and develop, implement, and evaluate intervention plans
- Provide consultation to parents and/or teachers regarding social emotional learning and/or academic difficulties, utilizing the SCRED 5-step problem-solving model: Problem Identification, Problem Analysis, Plan Development, Plan Implementation, and Plan Evaluation
- Assist in conducting needs assessments to support various resource allocation and/or programming decisions
- Social Emotional Learning Assessment and Services
- Complete screenings to assist students, families and school staff in determining appropriate social emotional and/or mental health supports, both internally and through outside agencies
- Support families in arranging for services from an outside agency and gather relevant school information to assist in evaluating the effects of treatment as requested
- Provide direct Social Emotional Learning (SEL) services to individuals, small groups, classrooms, or school-wide, as requested
- Provide direct counseling services to individuals or groups, as requested
- Assist in the design and delivery of Extended School Year services for students on IEPs who have mental health needs
- Provide SEL-related education and consultative services to school staff and families
- Complete function-based behavior assessments (FBAs), when deemed appropriate by the Problem Solving Team or Student Support Team
- Assist in the development of Behavior Support Plans (BSPs), in collaboration with staff to write Behavior Support Plans, and track BSPs data with integrity checks
- Gather and organize data to assist teams in making manifestation determination, when needed
- Plan and implement professional learning opportunities regarding SEL at SCRED and building(s)/district of assignment as requested
- Crisis Response Services
- Facilitate crisis response procedures and participate in the school’s crisis team at the discretion of the building principal
- Provide consultation in crisis prevention and response
- Complete student risk assessments when necessary
- Assist in completing student threat assessment activities when necessary
- Provide an immediate response to students, families, and school staff in crisis situations and determine when a referral to an outside agency is needed
- School Engagement
- Assess students’ levels of engagement/withdrawal by monitoring risk factors such as attendance, tardiness, behavioral referrals, poor academic performance, and in-school or out-of-school suspensions
- Respond on a regular basis to students’ educational needs according to their type and level of risk for disengagement from school
- Provide regular feedback to students and families about their overall progress in school and in relation to specific risk factors
- Other Duties as Assigned
- Perform other duties as assigned
High School Principal
We are looking for our next principal at North Branch Area High School to join a student-centered learning community to inspire dreams, build integrity, and instill hope in the leaders of tomorrow!
North Branch Area Public Schools (NBAPS) offers a well-rounded education to bring out each student’s gifts and talents. With programs unique to the area, high school learners benefit from programming that exposes students to a vast array of learning opportunities.
North Branch Area High School is in the process of a redesign. Some changes include a shift from trimesters to semesters, flex time built into the schedule, and ongoing expansion of opportunities for students to apply learning beyond the classroom. College in the schools (CIS) and Career and Technical (CTE) courses offer robust opportunities for each student to find their passion.
Job Summary: Provide collaborative, innovative leadership to tap into the creativity of staff and students. Lead with positive energy and commitment to provide each student with programming that aligns with their personal purpose and passion. Implement the policies of the school board under the direction of the superintendent of schools; lead and direct the instructional program and supervise personnel within the individual school, partner with district leadership team to ensure alignment of educational programming.
Start Date: July 1, 2022. This is a 12-month position.
Please include three current letters of recommendation.
North Branch Area Public Schools serves a growing community, with a current enrollment of approximately 2,600 students.
Elementary Academic Services Coordinators
Elementary Academic Services Coordinator
Position Purpose:
The Elementary Academic Services Coordinator position assists SCRED member districts in implementing a continuum of academic support for all students within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). This position provides collaboration and consultation on specific student cases and overall programming, creates and facilitates high quality professional learning opportunities for member district staff, and assists in the coordination of service delivery to ensure students are receiving effective instruction designed to meet their needs in their least restrictive environment. This position provides targeted support to member districts with regard to elementary academics, including literacy and math.
Position Location:
Currently, we have two Elementary Academic Services Coordinator positions open for the 2022-23 School Year. One position will primarily serve the five elementary schools located in Chisago Lakes and North Branch, while the other will serve the four elementary schools in Rush City, Pine City Hinckley-Finlayson and East Central. Candidates will be prompted to indicate the specific position(s) of interest on the application.
Essential Duties:
Collaboration & Consultation
- Collaborate with district, building, and/or grade level teams to review the effectiveness of instruction and foster continuous improvement using student outcome data
- Provide on-site coaching and support for the implementation of evidence-based Academic practices across all prevention levels within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework
- Guide staff in the creation of special education evaluation plans that equip teams to identify students who have Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) and their educational needs
- Support staff in the development of IEPs that are designed to meet the unique elementary literacy and math needs of students with SLD
- Consult with general and special education staff regarding students who are not responding to instruction and/or skill interventions
- Promote collaboration between general education and special education staff regarding accommodations and modifications that may help students to reach their IEP goals and access the general curriculum
- Collaborate with IEP teams to develop effective programs for students with significant and unique elementary literacy and math needs
- Provide guidance to member districts around state academic requirements
Professional Learning
- Engage in professional learning opportunities aligned with identified goals/needs to inform professional learning opportunities related to academic programming
- Develop professional learning plans in collaboration with the SCRED Services Coordination Team to ensure alignment with identified goals/needs and messaging across districts and service areas
- Develop the professional learning plan and budget for the Academic Services and Outcomes service areas in collaboration with Academic Services Team
- Facilitate professional learning using effective adult learning strategies on a variety of academic topics, including the implementation of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), assessment, instruction, inclusion, accessibility, and program evaluation
- Provide on-site coaching and support to enhance implementation of best practices in elementary academic instruction
Coordination of Service Delivery
- Provide implementation assistance to member districts in regard to MTSS (e.g., data facilitators, problem-solving teams, grade/department level teams, case managers, school psychologists, administrators)
- Facilitate the implementation of best practices in elementary academic assessment, instruction, inclusion, accessibility, and program evaluation
- Assist in conducting needs assessments to support various resource allocation and/or programming decisions
Secure and disseminate resource materials and equipment for academic-related needs that can be shared across districts - Support teams in planning for transitions of students with literacy and math needs between buildings (i.e., from elementary to secondary)
- Participate and/or facilitate SCRED internal meetings and workgroups as assigned
- Facilitate stakeholder (e.g., superintendents, principals, curriculum directors, GOM coordinators) involvement and decision-making for database systems and screening/progress monitoring assessments
- Coordinate the use of database systems for effective MTSS implementation
- Support districts in meeting child find requirements related to the implementation of Scientific Research-Based Interventions
- Provide work direction to the Outcomes Coordinator and the administrative assistant supporting the Academic Services Team
Other Duties as Assigned
- Perform other duties as assigned
Manager of Purchasing/Inventory (8 hours per day; 12 months/year)
The Manager of Purchasing and Inventory Control will plan, direct and coordinate system-wide purchasing, procurement, receiving, storing and distribution by the School District of necessary items of supplies and equipment for use in the educational programs and for the maintenance and operation of School District facilities in such a manner as to provide required materials, supplies and services at the time needed and at the best possible value.