General Purpose of Job: To inspire and prepare all students with the confidence, courage, and competence to achieve their dreams; contribute to community; and engage in a lifetime of learning.
Responsibilities: Position provides instruction and support in the curriculum areas for which employed; make appropriate use of instructional resources and technologies. Implement the goals and objectives of the District and the school and/or program for which employed. Write and implement individual student goals and objectives. Maintain contact and communications with parents of students and work with them in the development of each student.
Required Qualifications: Valid Minnesota teaching license in appropriate field. License required: Biology/Life Sciences
Desired Qualifications:
Considerable knowledge of the curriculum areas the teacher is responsible for instructing.
Considerable knowledge of educational philosophy, teaching methods and approaches, current researched best practices and strategies.
Considerable knowledge of students’ learning styles and needs, both academic and affective.
Considerable knowledge of multicultural, gender and disability fair curriculum concepts.
Working knowledge of instructional technologies.
Considerable skill in classroom management and organization.
Ability to effectively facilitate and/or participate in team meetings and parent meetings.
Strong communication skills both written and verbal.
FTE: 1.0 (Temporary approximately February 17, 2022 through approximately May 26, 2022 . This position has return rights pursuant to language in the Teacher Transfer Procedures, subd. 1.)