Under the direction of the Assistant Director of Human Resources, the Human Resources Specialist is responsible for the professional implementation and delivery of HR-programs and services in a manner that ensures proper departmental functioning and compliance with established policies, procedures, state and federal regulations or requirements, labor contracts and precedents. Routinely administers day-to-day operations in all functional areas of Human Resources including: staffing, benefits and retirement program administration, organizational and employee effectiveness, contract negotiations and labor relations, information administration, compliance, and customer service. The HR Specialist will serve as the lead team member in at least one of the functional areas listed. This position will serve as lead for Benefits and Retirement Program Administration.
East Central
Welding Instructor – Wright Technical Center – Buffalo, MN
Welding Instructor 2021-2022 – Wright Technical Center – Buffalo, MN
The Wright Technical Center – ISD #966 in Buffalo, MN is seeking a qualified applicant for a 1.0 FTE Welding Instructor position available for the 2021 – 2022 school year.
Date available: Beginning August 23, 2021.
Position summary: Instruct students (grades 11-12) in the major welding processes, including: GMAW, FCAW, GTAW, SMAW, strong emphasis on welding & shop safety, basic metallurgy, blueprint reading, CNC plasma cutting, and differentiated project-based instruction.
Special Education Instructor
Special Education Instructor – Wright Technical Center 2021-22
The Wright Technical Center – ISD #966 in Buffalo, MN is seeking a qualified applicant for a 1.0 FTE Special Education position for the 2021-2022 academic school year. WTC is a 7-12 school focusing on career, technical, and alternative education.
Position Responsibilities:
- Applies processes of referral, assessment, curriculum team planning, and program placement intervention for students with disabilities
- Manages a system for developmental services
- Collaborates with teachers, high school personnel, parents, advocacy groups and outside agencies to insure effective communications and success
- Assist teachers by providing indirect student support for students with disabilities
- Assist with the early identification and detection of students at risk
- Facilitate the development of realistic occupational goals for students with disabilities
- Facilitate the development of transitional and lifework plans
- Participate in the development of IEP and 504 plans as requested
- Facilitate the IEP collection process
- Assist with the adaptation and/or modification of curriculum and/or instruction to meet individual learner needs
- Monitors the delivery of services and individual student productivity
- Maintain records consistent with district policies and Minnesota Data Practices Act
- Assist with attendance tracking and reporting
- Provide career information and career options/opportunities
- Assist with the presentation of professional development activities for faculty
- Respond in a timely manner to emergency and crisis situations involving students with disabilities
- Represent the interests of students with disabilities on the Professional Development Committee
- Perform other relevant educational and administrative duties as assigned by the principal or director
School Psychologist
Position Purpose
School psychologists provide direct and/or indirect support and interventions to students, consult with teachers, families, and other school-employed mental health professionals (i.e., school counselors, school social workers) to improve support strategies, work with school administrators to improve school-wide practices and policies, and collaborate with community providers to coordinate needed services. Through their work, school psychologists help SCRED member districts and buildings successfully implement a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) framework in order to: improve academic achievement, promote positive behavior and mental health, support diverse learners, create safe, positive school climates, strengthen family-school partnerships, improve school-wide assessment and accountability, and monitor individual student progress in academics and behavior.
Essential Duties
- MTSS Implementation
- Promote and assist in effective and efficient school-wide implementation of an MTSS framework for both academics and social emotional learning, in partnership with building administrators and teams
- Facilitate the problem solving team (PST) in each building, ensuring that each PST is:using standard data for decision making; defining problems in observable and measurable terms; collecting sufficient information for intervention planning; developing detailed intervention plans; evaluating integrity of implementation; supporting classroom teachers or interventionists in data collection activities; graphing intervention effectiveness
- Participate in various data team meetings within each building
- Provide consultation to parents and/or teachers regarding social emotional learning and/or academic difficulties, utilizing the SCRED 5-step problem-solving model: Problem Identification, Problem Analysis, Plan Development, Plan Implementation, and Plan Evaluation
- Assist in conducting needs assessments to support various resource allocation and/or programming decisions
Special Education Leadership
- Facilitate Student Support Team (SST) meetings
- Attend special education department meetings
- Serve as a liaison between SCRED and its member districts, in promotion of a positive, collaborative culture
- Provide consultation on special education due process to staff and parents
- Assist in the improvement of special education services (e.g., program evaluation, evaluation/service process, resource allocation, transitions), under the direction of SCRED Administration and the principal
- Facilitate the child find process by assisting in responding to referrals for initial special education evaluations for students suspected of having disabilities
- Assist in coordinating the reevaluation process for students receiving special education and related services
- Administer and interpret intellectual ability tests, social behavior assessments, and adaptive assessments as part of comprehensive evaluations for current and potential special education students when necessary
- Assist in the planning process for the provision of Extended School Year (ESY) services in building(s)/district of assignment
- Assist with facilitating transition planning, including attending IEP meetings (as needed) for children moving from ECSE programs to kindergarten, elementary to secondary, or between buildings and programs
- Support special education staff in reviewing progress monitoring data on IEP goals and designing appropriate interventions
- Assist with state compliance review activities, including the implementation of any resulting corrective action plans
- Serve as an active member of the SCRED Implementation Team (I-Team)
- Plan and implement professional learning opportunities at SCRED and building(s)/district of assignment?
Academic Assessment and Services
- Support building-wide academic screening processes
- Complete diagnostic assessments in reading, math and written expression, as deemed appropriate by the Problem Solving Team or Student Support Team
- Develop, implement and monitor the fidelity of academic interventions, as requested
- Assist in ensuring compliance with child find requirements related to the implementation of Scientific Research-Based Interventions
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Assessment and Services
- Provide direct SEL services to individuals, small groups, classrooms or school-wide, as requested
- Provide direct counseling services to individuals or groups, as requested
- Complete mental health screenings and assist students, families, and school staff in determining appropriate mental health supports, both internally and through outside agencies
- Complete function-based behavior assessments (FBAs), when deemed appropriate by the Problem Solving Team or Student Support Team
- Assist in the development of Behavior Support Plans (BSPs), in collaboration with special education staff to write Behavior Support Plans, and track BSPs data with integrity checks
- Gather and organize data to assist teams in making manifestation determination, when needed
- Provide behavior consultation services to general education and special education staff
Crisis Response Services
- Facilitate crisis response procedures and participate in the school’s crisis team at the discretion of the building principal
- Provide consultation in crisis prevention and response
- Complete student risk assessments when necessary
- Assist in completing student threat assessment activities when necessary
- Provide an immediate response to students, families, and school staff in crisis situations and determine when a referral to an outside agency is needed
Other Duties
- Perform other duties as assigned
Special Education Curriculum Specialist 1.0 FTE (205 days per year)
The Curriculum Specialist collaborates with members of the educational community to ensure all learners have the knowledge and skills needed to shape their futures, accomplish their dreams, and contribute positively to their local and global communities. The Curriculum Specialist supports all aspects of teaching and learning.
Special Education Paraprofessional
The ideal candidate for this position will facilitate student growth by assisting in the management of behavior and social interactions. The skills necessary include confidentiality, patience, good communication/interpersonal skills, flexibility, and teamwork. Two-year degree or 60 college credits or ParaPro test; experience and ability to work with students; desire to work with students who have special needs; ability to follow and carry out the classroom teacher’s instructions; familiarity with computer use and good communication skills. This position is open until filled and may start immediately.