Description: Assistant Boys Cross Country Coach. Position works 12-15 hours per week starting August 14, 2017. Job Summary: Practice, prepare, coordinate and organize all aspects of assigned position, and coordinate schedules with the staff for the entire program.
Teacher, Vocal Music, West Junior High
Description: 1.0 FTE Vocal Music Teacher at West Junior High. Position is 1.0 FTE. Position will be for 17.18 school year. Job Summary: Responsibilities include preparation, implementation, assessment, communication of district curriculum, and conducting 1 concerts during the school year. This position will also prepare and instruct music composition courses. Must be able to work collaboratively and cooperatively with other teachers.
Musical Director, Vocal
Description: Musical Director (vocals) beginning September 2017. The position works 10-15 hours weekly. Job Summary: Prepare, coordinate and organize all aspects of High School Musical Production. Emphasis with this position will be Vocal musical preparation.
Assistant Robotics Coach
Description: Assistant Robotics Coach. 12-15 hours/week. Job Summary: Hands on support with students building robots Manage a large number of students to accomplish very technical tasks Ability to support students working within a very strict criteria based on the annual Robotic Game
Teacher: Special Education- CID (Autism)
Location: Hudson High School JOB GOAL: To enable the District to provide quality education for all students in the District; to provide special education services to help alleviate the specific educational areas of concern that prevent the student from experiencing school success. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: Professional Skills – The teacher is expected to establish procedures of management to allow a maximum of learning and a minimum of disciplinary action by: 1.Provides direct specialized instruction to students with disabilities. 2.Planning and organizing effectively. 3.Demonstrating competency in his/her area. 4.Creating and maintaining an atmosphere conducive to learning. 5.Providing opportunities for individual differences. 6.Making provisions for individual differences. 7.Encouraging the development of independent work habits. 8.Using appropriate language for students to model. 9.Using varied and appropriate instructional techniques to accomplish predetermined instructional objectives. 10.Managing and participating in the IEP process (evaluation, IEP development and implementation, progress report and related paperwork). 11.Must communicate effectively and in a timely manner with all stakeholders using oral, written, and electronic means. 12.Must attend work regularly. Professional Relationships: The teacher is expected to establish and maintain a professional relationship with students by: 1.Encouraging respect for the rights, opinions, property, and contributions of others. 2.Being sensitive to factors which affect pupil achievement and behavior. 3.Being available for extra help. 4.Using methods of management that result in desired changes in behavior. 5.Communicating and maintaining a working relationship with parents. 6.Maintaining confidentiality with respect to students and their records. 7.Refraining from personal criticism of staff to students. 8.Avoiding use of position for commercial gain. The teacher is expected to establish and maintain a professional relationship with fellow staff members by: 9.Cooperating with other staff members. 10.Consulting with co-workers in evaluating and meeting student needs. 11.Leaving clear and complete instructions for substitutes. 12.Following curriculum and policies approved by the Board. 13.Cooperating in evaluation of present curriculum. 14.Recommending possible revision of curriculum. 15.Implementing and directing educational strategies to be utilized by support staff. Professional Development: The teacher is expected to demonstrate professional development by: 1.Participating actively in inservice programs. 2.Keeping abreast of professional developments in his/her particular area and in education as a whole. 3.Exploring new teaching techniques as alternatives to better accomplish predetermined instructional objectives.
Physic Education Teacher – Junior High
Full-time Physical Education/Health Education teaching position at Century Jr. High, grades 7-9, beginning the 2017-18 school year. Application deadline: July 10, 2017 or until filled.