The Early Childhood Special Education Teacher will work with families and students (Birth to age 5) in the home and in a preschool setting. The teacher will consult with staff about students under the Developmental Delay category who are in an Elementary school. The teacher will work with a team of staff to assess, identify, and provide direct services to students and families that qualify for services. The position will be split roughly 60% preschool setting and 40% Birth-3. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: *Knowledge of child growth and development, principles of coaching, effective communication skills, and the ability to develop positive and trusting relationships with families. *This position requires direct special education services, assessments, and family consultation to be provided in the home setting for children ages birth to three with special needs. *Perform age appropriate educational assessments with children in the home and/or early childhood setting. *Develop, write, and implement appropriate IFSPs and IEPs and other documentation required by ISD #15 and MDE. *Attend and sometimes facilitate IFSP/IEP meetings for assigned students. *Work in a team setting to provide effective educational opportunities that will assist children and their families in achieving their individual outcomes as well as working with families to coordinate and integrate educational services, social services, health services, and parent education. *Assist Early Childhood staff in child find activities. *Model appropriate adult/child interaction. *Consult with other staff members to provide a rich learning environment -pre-k to Kindergarten. District Information: Independent School District 15 – St. Francis is located in northern Anoka County and southern Isanti County. We are a rural/suburban district, covering 165 square miles with our early childhood center, three elementary schools, one middle school, one high school and one vocational/ALC center. Our school district annually educates more than 4,700 students and employs more than 800 staff members.
Grade 5 (Long Term Substitute)
Edina Public Schools has a Grade5 long term substitute classroom teaching position available at Countryside Elementary beginning November 2017 through late January 2018.
Bldg Assessment/Tech Supp Specialist
Posting dates: 6/12/17thru 6/16/17or until filled Hours: Monday thru Friday 8.0hours per day, 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM with 30 minute unpaid break; 10 months Special Requirements: -Facilitating video club -Supporting plays and musicals -Lead weekly news program – empowering students to be leaders – Operate and maintain laser cutters, laminated cutters – 3D printers Job Summary: – Respond to Ongoing technology needs for staff – Build and maintain positive relationships with the building community, including staff and students – Use a strong understanding of instructional technology to best meet the learning needs of all students – Manage building printers, including troubleshooting and installing drivers – SMART board configuration and troubleshooting – Support set up for event programming such as A/V equipment – Assist with generating messaging through the Blackboard system – Work with district technology staff to coordinate building technology requests – Manage building technology inventory – Attend relevant district trainings and meetings – Coordinate and manage laptop/iPad/Chromebook carts – Provide staff training on technology – Technology ordering as needed, approved by the principal – Set up and run daily video announcements – Coordinate student involvement in announcements – Assisting teachers in maintaining teacher web pages – Testing technology coordination Other functions of the job include but are not limited to: – Meeting staff needs in a timely and proactive manner – Join all staff in welcoming and dismissing students each day – Provide building-level technology support for staff and students.
Reading Intervention Teacher (Long Term Substitute)
Edina Public Schools has a long term substitute Reading Intervention Teacher position available at South View beginning September 20th, 2017 through approximately December 2017.
Language Arts (Long Term Substitute)
Edina Public Schools has a Language Arts – Long Term Substitute position available at South View Middle School beginning approximately August 21, 2017 through November 21, 2017.
Special Education Teacher – Scandia Elementary
Full-time Special Education teaching position at Scandia Elementary beginningAugust 8, 2017. Application deadline:until filled.