Edina Public Schools has a School Social Worker (.50 FTE) position available in Early Childhood Special Education in the Edina Community Center beginning August 21, 2017.
Assistant Principal at Minnetonka High School
1. Assist the principal in developing and carrying out the school’s vision, mission, and goals. 2. Serve as a member of the District’s administrative team and actively participate in the development, implementation, and achievement of the District’s strategic plans. 3. Work with students applying needed sanctions, entering into counseling relationships, making necessary referrals to other staff members and communicating directly with parents, as appropriate. 4. Actively participate in the recruitment, selection, staff development, and evaluation of staff members. 5. Serve as the key building leader for staff development. 6. Communicate with parents, community members, and parent organizations concerning school programs and activities. 7. Share responsibility for building security for property and persons, including providing supervision of specific areas of the building. 8. Develop and complete mutual commitments tied directly to the District’s Strategic Plan 9. Serve as the principal’s liaison at school and at professional public meetings in the principal’s absence. 10. Attend local, state and national conferences, conventions and workshops as assigned.
Coach – Hockey – Head Boys Varsity
Posting dates: 4/21/17thru5/05/17or until filled Hours: Mid November thru Mid March, hours vary JobSummary: Head HockeyCoach will be responsible forthe daily practices and games. As well as managing the Irondale High SchoolBoys Hockey Program.
High School Honor Society Advisor (NHS)
Posting dates: 4/21/17 thru 5/15/17 or until filled Hours:10 months, during school year – times vary Start date:September 2, 2017 JobSummary: High School Honor Society Advisor willbe responsible for organizing and implementing NHS leadership projects and facilitating NHS student meetings.
Business Education Teacher 6-12
This posting is for a full-time 6-12 grade Business Education instructor. All inherent responsibilities and duties of a public-school teacher apply to this position and will be listed below. Ideal candidates will have 1-5 years of experience, but all interested parties are encouraged to apply. Interviews will begin immediately, or as soon as applicants’ materials are screened on a case-by-case basis.
Math Teacher (Grades 7-12)
Math Teacher (Grades 7-12)