The Director of Human Resources provides leadership on behalf of the district in the area of human resources and labor relations. Complete posting available on the District website.
Media Specialist .80 FTE
Media Specialist .80 FTE Afton-Lakeland & Stonebridge ElementarySchool Stillwater Area Public Schools are currently seeking a.80 FTE Media Specialistto work at Afton-Lakeland and StonebridgeElementary Schoolfor the 2017-18school year.
Licensed School Nurse
Full-time Licensed School Nurse position district wide beginning the 2017-2018 school year. Job Description: To provide and oversee health services in the district. Application Deadline: May 15, 2017 or until filled.
Vocal Music Teacher 1.0 FTE
1.0 FTE Vocal MusicTeacher Lily Lake & Rutherford ElementarySchool Stillwater Area Public Schools are currently seeking a1.0 FTE Vocal MusicTeacherto work at Lily Lake and Rutherford Elementary Schoolfor the 2017-18school year.
Licensed School Nurse
Full-time Special Education DCDteaching position at Columbus Elementary beginning the 2017-18 school year. Application deadline: May 15, 2017 or until filled.
Physical Education / DAPE Teacher 1.0 FTE
1.0 FTE Physical Education / DAPETeacher Afton-LakelandElementarySchool Stillwater Area Public Schools are currently seeking a1.0 FTE Physical Education / DAPE Teacherto work at Afton-LakelandElementary Schoolfor the 2017-18school year.