Special Ed Multi-categorical Teacher – Rice Lake Elementary – 1.0 FTE – Beginning the 2017-18 school year.
.50 FTE Early Childhood Special Ed Teacher
Early Childhood Special Teacher – Early Childhood Center – .50 FTE – Beginning the 2017-18 school year.
Elementary Principal
Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Indicators of Strategic Leadership Practice: Articulates a vision and develops implementation strategies for change that results in measurable achievement gains for all students and closes the achievement gap. Fosters a shared commitment to high expectations for student achievement, high standards of teaching and learning, and a culturally competent environment where diversity is valued. Builds a strong and positive sense of community in the school by honoring the important roles of race and culture, its traditions, artifacts, symbols, values, and norms. Indicators of Instructional Leadership Practice: Provides the structure and opportunity for the development, alignment, implementation, and evaluation of relevant and rigorous curricula tied to state academic and college and career readiness standards. Collaborates with teachers to examine student and school data to measure student learning and growth, identify achievement gaps, and develop strategic interventions that improve learning and close identified gaps. Facilitates reflective practice, inquiry, and action research to identify and monitor the impact of interventions and determine high-yield instructional strategies that improve student learning. Indicators of Performance Management Practice: Provides timely, appropriate, quality professional development and facilitates learning teams that gather information, analyze data, examine issues, and develop new approaches to improve teaching and learning. Routinely observes instruction and provides ongoing feedback and coaching to teachers and other staff in a fair and equitable manner in order to support professional growth. Provides effective and timely supervision and evaluation aligned with local district goals, state regulations, and contract provisions and uses these processes to facilitate development, remediation, and/or removal of underperforming staff members. Indicators of Professional and Interpersonal Relationship Skills Practice: Models appropriate personal, professional, and ethical behavior that is respectful and fair, enhances the image of the school and the profession, and inspires others to higher levels of leadership and performance. Demonstrates strong interpersonal, written, and verbal communication skills and facilitates groups effectively. Welcomes and honors families and stakeholders by engaging them in a meaningful dialogue regarding student learning, the work of the school, and its needs and accomplishments. Indicators of Resource Management Skills Practice: Distributes leadership responsibilities, shares decision making, and supervises daily ongoing management structures and practices to enhance teaching and learning. Maintains a safe environment by addressing real and potential challenges to the physical and emotional safety and security of students and staff that interfere with teaching and learning. Develops and implements a budget process that manages fiscal expenditures consistent with district and school goals, policies, and available resources that is focused on results in improved student achievement. Additional duties/responsibilities: Performs other comparable duties of a like or similar nature as assigned.
.25 DAPE Teacher – 1st Semester Only
DAPE Teacher – Middle School – .25 FTE – 1st semester only of the 2017-18 school year.
Early Childhood Parent Educator
Position Provide high-quality parent education to parents in the Early Childhood Family Education and School Readiness Preschool programs. Part-time position M/W/Th early afternoons, T evenings, and other days as assigned. Approximately 10 hours per week with a likely increase in hours in spring 2018. Reports To: Early Childhood Family Education Coordinator Job Description 1.Plan, implement, and assess a curriculum that meets the various needs of parents of children aged birth to five 2.Collaborate with other parent educators to plan and implement lessons 3.Co-teach and collaborate with early childhood teacher(s) 4.Effectively facilitate large and small group discussion 5.Demonstrate knowledge of child development and positive parenting practices 6.Model positive adult-child interaction 7.Serve as a resource for parents on parenting topics, community resources, etc. 8.Stay up-to-date on current parenting research and best practices 9.Plan guest speakers and other classroom visits throughout the year 10.Communicate with parents/guardians regarding child’s development and progress in the classroom 11.Meet with supervisor on a regular basis to discuss curriculum plans, classroom needs, etc./as needed 12.Participate in monthly staff meetings and monthly check-in meetings with supervisor 13.Assist in other capacities as determined by the Director.
System Administrator- Network
Job Summary: Ensure successful design, maintenance and support of the district network, security, communications and server infrastructure. Essential Job Duties and Responsibilities: *Maintain and mange network infrastructure *Maintain and support all software, security, district network, server hardware, etc. *Diagnose/Repair problems with hardware, software, etc *Planning and design work for system planning *Assist and support the overall technology program