Full-timeentry level Special Education Paraprofessional-University of Minnesota Licensure Candidate
Special Education Teacher – Crossroads School & Vocational Center (2623)
– Provide direct special education services for students as identified on their individualized education plans. This includes any combination of reading, math, self regulation, and social skills services. – Provide consultation and support to classroom teachers regarding students on IEPs. Co teaching, team teaching, and other forms of collaboration will be an important part of your role. – Provide work direction and support to the assigned Educational Assistants (Paraprofessionals). – Perform educational evaluations of students as required. – Develop, write and implement IEPs for assigned caseload. – Ensure that due process requirements are being followed. Crossroads School andVocational Center (CSVC) is a special K-12 school operated by Independent School District 15 located just north of the metro area. The majority of students served at CSVC are residents of Bar-None Residential Treatment Center and are classified asat-risk youth who exhibit emotional and behavioral problems. Students from ISD 15 and surrounding districts also attend CSVC because, for many reasons, they have not been successful at their regular school of attendance. We offer a high level of special education support. Class sizes and caseloads are very small when compared to a traditional school setting. Average caseload for this position will be 8-10 students. The hired special education teacher will work specifically with middle and high school students with behavioral challenges that are also identified with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The ideal candidate willhave experience setting up and evaluating programming specific for ASD students.
Middle School Spanish Teacher
SpanishTeacher Pionee Ridge Middle School For More Information contact:Megan Blazek at [email protected] Starting Date:August 2017 Days/FTE: 185 days;1.0 FTE Banded/Graded: C-5-2 Responsible To: Building Principal Qualifications:Valid State of Minnesota Licensure inK-12 or 6-12 Spanish Major Job Functions; Specific Tasks/Required Knowledge, Ability and Skills: At PRMS we offer students the opportunity to take high school Spanish 1 and 2.The middle school Spanish teachers work directly with the high school Spanish teachers to develop standards and curriculum. Middle school students receive high school credit and a transcripted grade toward their HS GPA by taking these courses in middle school. See website Compensation and Yearly Duration of Employment: Compensation will be determined by District 112 and the Chaska Education Association (CEA). Background check will be conducted. If you are changing positions or the number of hours you work, your benefits may change. Please make sure to check the eligibility as listed in the above agreement. If recommended for employment, applicant will provide proof of legal right to work in the United States if required. Application Procedure: Please apply online at: http://www.district112.org (only online applications will be accepted).
Science Grades 6-8 Summer School Teachers
The Richfield Public School District has openings for Science teachers in the Middle School 2017 Summer Program. Middle School Summer Program teachers will be teaching students who are currently in grades 5, 6, and 7. Current 5th Grade students will be attending summer programming at the Richfield Middle School. Middle School Summer Programming will be located at the Richfield Middle School and will be in session from approximately 7:30 2:00 Monday through Thursday. Dates of Middle School Summer Programming are as follows: Week 1: June 19, 20, 21, 22 Week 2: June 26, 27, 28, 29 *** July 3-7 OFF Week 3: July 10, 11, 12, 13 Week 4: July 17, 18, 19, 20 Week 6: July 24, 25, 26, 27 *** To support the Grade 5-7 summer program teaching staff at RMS, professional development will be provided at RMS from 8:00-4:00 on June 15 and June 16. Staff will be paid to attend these professional developmeJobIdnt dates. Requirements: Current Secondary Teaching License in Science Preferred Qualifications: -Experience in teaching summer school -Experience with Project-Based Learning at the elementary/middle level -Experience utilizing data to inform instruction -Experience with team teaching Position is open until the close of the business day on March 31, 2017. For questions please contact: Jason Sellars Director of ALC Richfield Public Schools 612.243.3057
Personal Wellness Teacher
Personal Wellness Teacher Pioneer Ridge Middle School For More Information contact:Principal, Megan Blazek at [email protected] Start Date: August 2017 Days/FTE:1.0 FTE Banded/Graded: C-5-2 Responsible To: Building Principal Qualifications:Valid State of Minnesota Licensure in K-12 Physical Educationand Health Major Job Functions; Specific Tasks/Required Knowledge, Ability and Skills: see website Compensation and Yearly Duration of Employment: Compensation will be determined by District 112 and the Chaska Education Association (CEA). Background check will be conducted. If you are changing positions or the number of hours you work, your benefits may change. Please make sure to check the eligibility as listed in the above agreement. If recommended for employment, applicant will provide proof of legal right to work in the United States if required. Application Procedure: Please apply online at: http://www.district112.org (only online applications will be accepted).
Special Education Facilitator
Edina Public Schools has a Special Education Facilitator position available at South View Middle School beginning August 15, 2017.