Chinese Immersion Teacher for 2017-2018 school year. Potential grades K-10.
Elementary Grade 3 Spanish Immersion Long-Term Substitute
Full-time elementary grade 3 Spanish immersion long-term substitute teaching position at Forest View Elementary beginning the end of November through December 22, 2016. Application deadline: November 18, 2016
Math Teacher
2 full time math teaching openings teaching either Algebra 2 or Geometry and College Prep Algebra.
Choreograoher (JH Musical)
Category: Athletics/Activities/Coaching Date Posted: 11/8/2016 Location: Shakopee Senior High School Description: Musical Choreographer at Shakopee Junior High School. Handle and manage all aspects of Musical Choreography for JH musical production. Approximate dates of the position are December through late February. Working with mainly Junior High School aged students (depending on performance there may be others involved) Monday through Friday 2-3 hours daily with more hours as the performance grows near. There will also be occasional Saturday rehearsals. Performances are on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Assistant Principal
The successful candidate for theAssociate Principalposition will provide leadership and build systems to support staff, schools, and the district in increasing appropriate instructional capacity that allows all students to meet or exceed expected growth each year, graduate from high school, and eliminate predictability in achievement through practices of educational equity. This position will support leading thebuilding’s efforts in creating a culturallyproficient and racially inclusive learning environment so that all students are successful; actively lead in the design and implementation of the district’s instructional delivery and professional development in alignment with the district’s operational plan and individual school improvement plans; actively support district planning and improvement processes.
Bldg Assessment/Tech Supp Specialist
Posting dates: 11/09/16thru 11/15/16or until filled Hours: Monday thru Friday 6.50hours per day, 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM with 30 minute unpaid break; 10 months Special Requirements: -Facilitating video club -Supporting plays and musicals -Lead weekly news program – empowering students to be leaders Job Summary: – Respond to Ongoing technology needs for staff – Build and maintain positive relationships with the building community, including staff and students – Use a strong understanding of instructional technology to best meet the learning needs of all students – Manage building printers, including troubleshooting and installing drivers – SMART board configuration and troubleshooting – Support set up for event programming such as A/V equipment – Assist with generating messaging through the Blackboard system – Work with district technology staff to coordinate building technology requests – Manage building technology inventory – Attend relevant district trainings and meetings – Coordinate and manage laptop/iPad/Chromebook carts – Provide staff training on technology – Technology ordering as needed, approved by the principal – Set up and run daily video announcements – Coordinate student involvement in announcements – Assisting teachers in maintaining teacher web pages – Testing technology coordination Other functions of the job include but are not limited to: – Meeting staff needs in a timely and proactive manner – Join all staff in welcoming and dismissing students each day – Provide building-level technology support for staff and students.