POSITION: 6th Grade Summer Targeted Services Teaching Position DESCRIPTION: The position is 8:00-12:00am, Monday through Thursday. The program will run from August 1, 2016 through August 18, 2016. Program to include: learner-focused curriculum, hands on experiential activities, social and personal skill development, and possibly cross age groupings.
Media Specialist
Description: 1.0FTE Media Center Teacher for Shakopee School District at Eagle Creek Elementary for 16/17 school year only . Job Summary: Duties related to the instruction and supervision of a secondary building media center.
Executive Principal (Head Principal) of the Academies of Shakopee High School
The Executive Principal of The Academies of Shakopee High School will lead the staff, students and our community through the expansion and program redesign of the existing high school. In the fall of 2018, our high school will open as an academies high school and twice as large. The new space will accommodate our growing enrollment and have a new capacity of 3,200 students. Construction will begin this summer and work on The Academies of Shakopee has already begun. Educational Leadership: -Provide leadership in curricular and academy design. -Vision for Learning: The principal facilitates a process to develop and maintain a shared vision for learning. -Standards for High Expectations: The principal articulates and implements standards for high expectations. -Climate for Learning: The principal implements a climate for learning conducive to high expectations. -Ethical Behavior: The principal articulates specific expectations for ethical professional practice for self and staff. Accountability and Regulatory Applications: -Statutory Laws and Rules Application: The principal ensures compliance with all the requirements of federal and state laws and rules. -Budget Preparation, Management and Evaluation: The principal implements a budget process that is driven by student achievement. -Accountability for Property: The principal holds individuals accountable for school property. Communications: -Accessibility and Timeliness of Message: The principal is accessible and communicates accurate information in a timely manner with stakeholders. -Oral and Nonverbal Expression: The principal uses effective oral and nonverbal expression. -Written Expression: The principal produces professional documents that are appropriately clear, concise and purposeful. Measurement & Evaluation: -Student Progress: The principal collaborates with staff to measure, evaluate, report and use student progress results. -Achievement of District/Site Goals: The principal measures, evaluates and reports the school’s achievement of both district and site goals annually. Curriculum and Student Standards: -Application of State Laws and Rules: The principal understands, communicates, and implements the laws, rules and policies related to -Minnesota Standards at the school site. -Development of District Curriculum: The principal participates in the curriculum development process of the district. -Implementation of Minnesota Standards and District Curriculum: The principal implements the district performance evaluation process to determine the progress of the implementation of Minnesota Standards and the district curriculum at the school site. -Management of the Co-Curricular Program: The principal oversees all co-curricular programs offered by the school. Staff Development: -Accounting for Staff Professional Needs: The principal collaborates with staff to develop and implement a staff development plan and process that supports on-going learning to improve student achievement. -Personal Professional Staff Development: The principal engages in personal professional staff development that relates to educational leadership. Organizational Management: -Legal Documentation and Record Retention: The principal manages a system that meets all the requirements of legal documentation and record retention. -Safety and Security Application: The principal develops and implements a plan for safety and security of the school. Furthermore, the principal maintains and enhances an environment conductive to teaching and learning mutual responsibility, respect, and safety. Human Resources Management: -Application of District Bargaining Unit Contracts: The principal administers the districts employment contracts at the school site. -Recruiting, Hiring and Assigning the Staff: The principal recommends the hiring and assigning of appropriately qualified staff. -Staff Evaluation: The principal implements and maintains the district plan for evaluation of staff performance.
Math Teacher
Full-time Math teaching position Century Jr. High, grades 7-9, beginning the 2016-17 school year. Teach junior high math. Application deadline: June 5, 2016 or until filled.
High School Principal
Start Date: July 1, 2016 Salary and Benefits: Per Principal Master Agreement (may be viewed at http://www.isd622.org/) Work Year: 2016-2017 School Year Required Qualifications: -Qualifies for or holds valid Minnesota High School or K-12 Principal license -Demonstrated ability to build strong relationships with students, families, staff, and community -Must be an instructional leader who can support and facilitate the professional learning of his or her staff and is focused on continuous improvement in student learning -Experience working with a discipline philosophy which is focused on validating and affirming student differences while maintaining a safe, focused, and supportive school climate -Demonstrates understanding of his/her own identity, intercultural competence, and ability to collaborate effectively across difference -Leads with an equity lens to close learning and opportunity gaps and address disproportionality -Demonstrated ability to lead change, have courageous conversations, resolve conflicts, commitment to implementing data-informed decisions, receptive to feedback -Commitment to developing a culture where an equity lens is used to make decisions based on evidence -Reflective, receptive to feedback -Shows effective skills in staff motivation, supervision, instructional improvement, curriculum development and on-site management -Possesses excellent public relations, interpersonal and problem-solving skills Leadership Qualifications: -Proven successful experiences leading in an urban setting comprised of a diverse student population -Willingness and ability to create clear expectations for staff and students, provide appropriate supports to meet the expectations,and hold students and staff accountable to those expectations -Strong collaborator and communicator, demonstrates effective communication with diverse students, teachers, parents and community populations -Compassionate, charismatic, and a leader with integrity -Ability to support the creation of a long-term vision and mission for the school as well as collaboratively develop and execute school improvement plans in order to meet short-term goals -Knowledge of balanced comprehensive curriculum -A proven commitment to community service and ability to develop community partnerships -Commitment to staff development, especially in the area of teacher leadership development -Strong understanding of special education -Proven experience in providing meaningful recognition and support to staff and students Tartan is an exceptional high school that is student centered and focused on academic and personal excellence for all students. Tartan’s collaborative and culturally diverse environment supports students and staff who are empowered and encouraged to be successful.Tartan High School is also an active contributor to the community where there is great pride in community service to others. Application Process: Apply online at www.isd622.org
Assistant Principal
Start date: July 1, 2016 Salary and Benefits: Per PrincipalMaster Agreement (may be viewed athttp://www.isd622.org/) Work Year:2016-2017School Year Required Qualifications: 1. Qualifies for or holds valid Minnesota Secondary or K-12 Principal license 2. Ability to build strong relationships with students, families, staff, and community 3. Must be an instructional leader who can support and facilitate the professional learning of his/her staff and is focused on continuous improvement 4. Demonstrates understanding of his/her own identity, intercultural competence, and ability to collaborate effectively across difference 5. Leads with an equity lens to close learning and opportunity gaps and address disproportionality 6. Ability to lead change, have courageous conversations, resolve conflicts, commitment to implementing data-informed decisions, receptive to feedback 7. Shows effective skills in staff motivation, supervision, instructional improvement, curriculum development and on-site management 8. Possesses excellent public relations, interpersonal and problem-solving skills Leadership Qualifications: 1. Proven successful experiences leading in an urban setting comprised of a diverse student population 2. Willingness and ability to create clear expectations for staff and students and hold students and staff accountable to those expectations 3. Strong collaborator and communicator, demonstrates effective communication with diverse students, teachers, parents and community populations 4. Compassionate, charismatic, and a leader with integrity 5. Ability to support the creation of a long-term vision and mission for the school as well as implement aligned and focused, short-term goals 6. Knowledge of balanced comprehensive curriculum 7.A proven commitment to community service 8. Commitment to staff development, especially in the area of teacher leadership development 9. Strong understanding of special education 10. Proven experience in providing meaningful recognition and support to staff and students 11. Experience woring with a discipline philosophy which is focused on validating and affirming student differences while maintaining a safe, focused, and supportive school climate Skyview Middle School is an exceptional school that is studentcentered and focused on EMPOWERING STUDENTS TO REACH THEIR FULL POTENTIAL AND MAKE A POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION TO SOCIETY.A strong adult culture is a critical component of our success atSkyview Middle School.Staff are committed to the core beliefs of:Making sure that students thrive in a safe, rigorous, and respectful learning environment, that students are engaged in problem-solving, creative, and quality work that encourages application of learning in meaningful contexts, that continuous improvement is imperative, and that education is a partnership between child, family, and community.The Skyview staff has worked in partnership to build a strong, safe school community which supports high social, behavioral, and academic expectations for all students.Skyview is a learning organization where staff growth and development is expected and supported through PLCs, staff meetings, training,feedback and evaluation. Application Process: Apply online at www.isd622.org.