To perform all necessary psychological services to the students as identified as essential functions.
Psychoeducational Assessment:
• Conduct individual student assessments which may include the areas of intelligence, academic achievement, perceptual skills, social/emotional development and social/adaptive skills.
• Prepare written psychoeducational reports.
• Use assessment data to help develop educational programs for students.
Student Support Team Participation:
• Participate on student support teams to develop and evaluate pre-referral interventions.
• Assist with implementation of interventions when appropriate.
• Maintain appropriate documentation of school efforts and follow-up if unsuccessful.
• Consult with teachers and administrators regarding student behavior, social concerns, and academic achievement in order to develop strategies to meet the student’s educational needs.
• Consult with parents to assist them in understanding child development and to develop strategies to address their concerns.
• Assist regular and special education teachers with classroom academic and behavior management plans.
• Identify appropriate outside resources for parents and teachers.
• Provide relevant staff development and parent training.
Student Services Team Collaboration:
• Collaborate with Student Services Team members to develop and implement student programs.
• Assist in the organization and evaluation of the Student Services Team as implemented at the building and District levels.
Student Interventions:
• Provide brief student interventions to improve social/emotional development, alleviate situational stressors and assist with academic difficulties.
• Conduct screenings to determine if other interventions may be appropriate.
• Intervene with students and consult with parents, staff, and other outside agencies when students evidence suicidal ideation, gesturing or attempts.
• Collaborate with other Student Service Team members and building administrators relative to student issues of abuse/harassment.
Due Process Coordination (IDEA, 504 and Child Study):
• Maintain knowledge of current law and practice relative to special education/504 due process procedures.
• Assure compliance with due process procedures from referral through placement.
• Chair IEP/Child Study meetings and complete IEP/Child Study report and other associated paperwork.
• Provide inservice to staff addressing current due process requirements and practices.
General Duties:
• Communicating professionally and respectfully with students, staff, parents, and community members, using oral, written, and electronic means.
• Attending work regularly.
• Performing other duties as assigned.
EVALUATION: Conducted by Building Principal or Associate Principal as per the Hudson School District Board of Education Policy.