The Richfield Public School District is currently accepting applications for a full time LT Substitute Special Education LD/EBD Teacher at the Richfield Middle School beginning approximately 5/4 through the end of the school year. RMS serves a diverse student population with a high number of English Learners. We are looking for a dynamic teacher who is passionate about middle level learners and diversity. This posting is posted on our website as open until filled. Please apply promptly as the date listed below is subject to change.
Speech Language Pathologist
Speech Language Pathologist Fridley High School 1.0 FTE Start Date: August 25, 2016 End Date: June 9, 2017 License Required: K-12 Speech Language Clinician Salary according to Master Agreement
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Teacher Ages 0-3 – Long-Term Substitute (1.0 FTE)
Start Date: On or about April 11, 2016 Description: Work in an early education special education program with childrenages birth-3and families intheir home. Job Summary: Work with an ECSE team providing special education serviceswith families and children ages birth-3intheir home. Assessment of children referred to the evaluation team which determines if the child has a disability, writing IEPs, IFSPs, re-evaluations, and following through with all special education due process is part of this position’s responsibility.
Long Term Substitute Second Grade Teacher
Major Responsibilities: -Student Achievement: Hold all students to high academic standards, set and pursue rigorous academic goals, ensure academic achievement of all students to put them on the path to college -Instructional Excellence and Planning: Demonstrate strong content knowledge, utilize on-going formative and summative assessments to assess student mastery of content and uncover gaps in student knowledge, engage students in rigorous inquiry-based lessons and higher order thinking skills, push academic rigor with scaffolded critical thinking questions, collaborate with team members to design grade-level scope and sequence and unit plans, collaboratively develop and write quality rigorous interim assessments, meet a range of needs by ensuring students receive differentiated and individualized instruction and support daily -Professionalism and Growth: Foster and maintain a positive, constructive, and supportive working relationship with administration, teachers, and staff. Seek feedback to improve performance in instruction, planning, culture, and leadership; reflect on and pursue development in areas of personal and professional growth, work with the Director and Lead teacher to evaluate and improve skills, eagerly participate in structured and informal professional development opportunities, collaborate with colleagues to ensure a safe, joyful and rigorous school environment. Attend and participate in all staff meetings and professional development, including occasional evenings and weekends and extended summer orientation. -Individualized Learning: Develop a deep understanding of the school’s online adaptive curricula and evaluate and experiment with new programs, create a classroom culture focused on maximizing individualized learning time, align online curricula with face-to-face instruction to push critical thinking skills and rigor in the classroom, review and use student data generated by adaptive curricula to drive classroom instruction and individualized support for all students -Classroom and School Culture: Create a positive and achievement-oriented learning environment, set and reinforce clear expectations and routines aligned to school’s culture, maintain a joyful classroom environment, embrace school-wide culture systems, design classroom to reinforce school values and culture -Data Analysis: Use data from interim assessments and other formal and informal sources to adjust and direct instruction, collaborate with team members to assess effectiveness of instruction and units, participate in all-staff data days, bring complete and relevant data to meetings, create intervention plans for students behind grade level based on data -Character Development: Embody and hold students to our CRED values (Community, Respect, Efficacy, and Diversity), model and develop students’ sense of academic efficacy, discuss and recognize the development of college readiness traits -Student/Family Relationships: Create a joyful and supportive academic environment for students and their families, build rapport with students outside of class, maintain regular communication with families around student academic and character development -Extended school hours and extended school year: Student hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m; Teacher hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. Teachers typically report the second week of August and work through the end of June. -Additional duties as needed/assigned.
High School Principal
Lead the school community in achieving the goals of the school and district; interpret and use school data for purposes of school improvement; budgeting; curriculum and instruction; staff development; staff supervision and evaluation; develop staffing model
Human Resources Assistant
Full Time, year round HR Assistant at District Office. Grade 4 position $15.89 – $16.64 per hour. Provide support for the HR Department *Assist with bi-weekly payroll *Deductions and reconciliation *Assist with COBRA/Retiree processing and payments *Staffing *Data analysis and entry *Benefits