Utilize the school health program, in collaboration with other educators, to the attainment of the full health and educational potential of each individual student.
● Maintain current knowledge about health laws and regulations which pertain to school populations.
● Follow required laws of the State of Wisconsin, Division of Health, Bureau of Prevention, Immunization Program.
● Follow school board policy regarding medication administration to students.
● Meet periodically with school physician and county health nurse.
● Assess emergency problems and providing immediate First Aid care as required.
● Refer student to parent, physician or medical facility, as necessary.
● Complete/review accident reports.
● Teach responsible adult staff to give emergency medications.
● Facilitate staff First Aid persons for each building.
● Assess health problems and direct care to parent and or physician as necessary.
● Observe students on medication and consult with parents, physician, or health agency, as necessary.
● Alert teachers to the possible side effects and reactions of medications.
● Conduct health assessments, (including vision, hearing, posture, immunization, weight, height, etc.) for three year old screening, kindergarten screening, and new students.
● Train and coordinate parent volunteers to assist with health screenings.
● Monitoring early childhood students concerning health issues.
● Keep teachers updated as to student health concerns.
● Rescreening those students referred by teachers, parents, Multidisciplinary Teams and pertinent others.
● Referring to their parents those students who do not pass the test and provide follow-up consultation with parents and teachers.
● Make home visits, as indicated, for follow-up of identified health problems.
● Assume case management role for home/hospital bound non-handicapped students.
● Maintain pertinent health records for all students.
● Review student health files to identify immunization needs and inform parents.
● Coordinate immunization program with county.
● Examine students suspected of having a communicable disease (i.e. head lice, scabies, impetigo), recommend appropriate care, and send informational letters to parents as necessary.
● Consult with Multidisciplinary Team and provide health assessments for students being evaluated.
● Provide resource materials on health for educational purposes, (i.e. poster, films, pamphlets).
● Provide assistance in setting health and safety standards for food service, maintenance, and athletics.
● Participate on school district committees (i.e., health education curriculum, suicide prevention, students at-risk, Student Support Team).
● Make presentations to health education classes, as recommended in the health curriculum and coordinate health programs presented by students (i.e. smoking prevention, bloodmobile).
● Provide in-service meetings devoted to health education or faculty and parent groups.
● Periodically review/evaluate school health programs.
● Develop budget for health care supplies and health care programs.
● Submit annual report of activities to the Director of Student Services.