Demonstrate leadership skills. Centennial principals are the instructional leaders in their buildings. They take responsibility both in the successes and the failures of their schools. A strong leader puts others’ needs ahead of their own and develops strategies for school performance improvement.
Strive for continuous improvement of instruction. Centennial principals provide clear vision for implementation of instruction. They support and retain teachers who continually enhance their pedagogical skills through reflection and professional growth plans. They ensure that teachers are provided clear, ongoing evaluations reviewing strengths and weaknesses based on multiple sources of data consistent with student achievement. They encourage, embrace and assist innovation in teaching practices. Centennial principals know, understand and apply a four-domain approach (planning and preparation, classroom environment, instruction and professional responsibility – Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching) in a fair, reliable and consistent manner.
Use a data-driven focus on student achievement. Centennial principals ensure that clear and able to be measured goals are established to improve overall student achievement. They direct and support analysis, interpretation, and regular use of data to monitor progress toward school goals. Practices and interventions are in place to help all students meet individual achievement and growth.
Create a positive school climate. Centennial principals are recognized as the school leaders who continually improve his or her professional practice. They build trust and respect in every member of the school community creating a welcoming, positive, solution-oriented, ‘no-blame,’ and professional climate. The environment created by the principal is also safe and orderly.
Cultivate cooperation and collaboration. Centennial principals ensure that teachers have formal roles in the decision-making process. They provide teachers the opportunity to: discuss school goals, design strategies to achieve goals, participate in Professional Learning Communities and provide professional development aligned to the school’s shared mission. Centennial principals are accessible to staff, students and parents. They reflect on their own practice and actively seek feedback on their work.