Position Type:
Administration/Director of Business Services
Date Posted:
Education Services Center
Date Available:
June/July 2019
Closing Date:
Job Summary:
The Director of Business Services is the Chief Financial Officer for the District and as such is responsible for managing its budgetary and financial affairs, directing all matters related to general business practices. The Director of Business Services reports to the Superintendent of Schools and is responsible to that person for the proper interpretation and performance of duties for this position.
Stay abreast of changes and developments in applicable laws and regulations, common business practices, and procedures as related to all assigned areas connected to a Minnesota public school district’s budget, drawing upon expertise within the profession and within the community at large.
Develop policies and operational plans which are consistent with the school business division, meeting requirements and expectations of state law, state rules, board policies, and common practices within school business and budgets.
Anticipate need for change and particularly challenges relating to school business operations, guiding and directing others so that such needs are met on a timely basis.
Participate in development of long range enrollment and membership projections for purposes of budget, staff, and building needs.
Develop long-range financial projections, updating as needed to ensure the projections are based on the most recent information.
Prepare and submit to the Board of Education the proposed property tax levies for each fund. Provide supplementary information as required.
Coordinate preparation of the annual budget, develop budget documents, and present the budget to the Board of Education for review and approval.
Supervise a system of control and record keeping to ensure that expenditures are within the limitations of the approved budget, board policies, and legal requirements.
Develop and implement a system of accounting records to accurately report at all times the financial operations of the district.
Prepare payroll, ensuring the appropriate checks are prepared in conformance with duly authorized payments.
Receive and review all invoices and prepare a list of payments to be made for review and approval by the Board of Education.
Contract for audit of all accounts and funds, and other receipts or disbursements within the district.
Periodically evaluate the financial position of the child nutrition program.
Serve as clerk of school elections, arrange for filing of candidates, provide for absentee voting, select and train election judges, provide ballots and other required materials and equipment, supervise the counting of ballots and report to the Board.
Attend regular and special meetings of the Board of Education and subcommittees as assigned, and participate in deliberations and prepare written background materials as appropriate.
Attend state, regional, and national professional organizations and conferences related to business operations of a school district as approved by the Superintendent and governed by district policy.
Facilitate the Citizens’ Financial Advisory Committee (CFAC).
Facilitate the Board Audit Committee.
Negotiate bus transportation contracts, recommending to the Superintendent for approval, and checking for adherence to specifications and proper bond and insurance coverage.
Provide support and assistance, as required, in district negotiations with all bargaining groups.
Attend school board negotiation strategy sessions, participating as appropriate.
Work with Human Resources divisions in the initiation and coordination of personnel recruitment, who are assigned to the business services. Implement effective screening procedures. Arrange interviews. Recommend candidates and assign them, once employed.
Supervise personnel performance within the Business Services Department, bringing about improvements as necessary and possible. Make recommendations to the Superintendent for continuation or termination.
Recommend action to be taken on leaves of Business Services Department personnel, including stipulation and obligations to be met for any leave granted, and forwarding necessary information to the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources so that Board materials can be properly prepared.
Maintain a record of staff assignments and changes in workloads and project long range staff needs within the Business Services Department, based upon these records. Supervise storage, distribution, and inventory systems.
Require all business services office employees to maintain a courteous and helpful attitude to visitors, inquirers, and school district personnel.
Work with the Superintendent in defining supervision and support structures for Supervisors of Buildings and Grounds, Child Nutrition, and Transportation, in accordance with Vision 2031. Key functions of these departments include:
o A District facility expansion program and direct all district construction projects to ensure timely completion of new construction and remodeling in line with district requirements and needs. RESULT: All construction projects are completed in a cost-effective manner with established budget parameters.
o A program for the care, maintenance, and housekeeping of school property that will support the educational objectives of the school system at the lowest possible cost.
o Inspection services on new construction and all work performed.
o A program for administration of district Health and Safety mandates including the establishment of a Health and Safety Committee.
o Public and non-public school transportation program including the development of bus schedules and contract management.
o Nutritious, attractive meals in conformance with requirements of the State Department of Education and the Board of Education.
Oversee the tax-sheltered annuity program.
Maintain insurance coverage and bonds required by state law and by the Board of Education.
Perform all other duties as assigned by the Superintendent.
Administer student accident insurance program.
Maintain a businesslike relationship with all suppliers to insure respect for the school district.
Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities:
Excellent human relations and communications skills.
Ability to delegate authority and to provide effective supervision.
Ability to work in a team situation, provide strong leadership, yet share decision making.
Academic preparation which combines study in educational administration and business administration is preferred.
A background of successful training and experience in school business management at the district level and in the state of Minnesota.
Experience which contributes directly to a strong understanding of school accounting, financial planning, and budget development and administration.
Has worked in or is working in a school district with a sound fiscal policy.