The Hudson School District is seeking an experienced or emerging educational leader as Associate Principal to work collaboratively with an experienced leadership team dedicated to improving student and staff learning. This educator needs a strong commitment and knowledge of elementary school philosophy along with experience, knowledge, and skills to work with staff, students, and parents.
Administrative strengths we seek:
• Core beliefs and a future-focused vision.
• Strong work ethic and passion to seek and implement best practices.
• Ability to focus staff and school efforts on continual improvement of student learning.
• Strong knowledge of effective, evidence-based instructional strategies.
• Ability to design and implement effective high-quality professional development.
• Knowledge about implementing standards-based learning and assessment.
• Ability to use data to set measurable goals to improve student learning.
• Ability to develop teacher leaders and a collaborative team environment with a common purpose.
• Knowledge of student development and effective strategies to handle student issues and discipline.
• Effective interpersonal, communication, facilitation, motivational, managerial, and community-building skills.
The new principal will join a new superintendent and strong team of administrators who lead and learn collaboratively with the goal of improving teaching and learning at their respective schools and throughout the District. The leadership team shares ideas and expertise, solve problems as a team, train together, divide work tasks and responsibilities, and support each other. We are seeking a principal who can learn, partner with colleagues, and contribute to both Elementary and District leadership teams.