Edina Public Schools has a Grade 5 (1.0 FTE) teaching position available at Cornelia Elementary School beginning August 2018.
Grade 3 French Immersion Teacher
Edina Public Schools has a full-time Grade 3 French Immersion teaching position available at Normandale Elementary beginning August 2018.
Grade 3 French Immersion Teacher
Edina Public Schools has a full-time Grade 3 French Immersion teaching position available at Normandale Elementary beginning August 2018.
Science Teacher, Middle School
Science Teacher, New Prague Middle School – 1.0 fte
Position begins 2018/2019 school year
- Develops and Plans Instructional Activities
- Conducts Classroom Instruction
- Professional Collaboration
- BA or BS degree
- Certification by the State of Minnesota
- Middle School Science License 6-8 required.
New Prague Middle School is a progressive 6-8 middle school that incorporates the house model. This position requires a team player as he/she will be working collaboratively with staff members in other content areas. Enthusiastic applicants are expected to be life-long learners in a student-focused environment.
New Prague Area Schools is a consistently growing district of 4,000 students, Pre K through 12. The district is located about 45 miles southwest of the Twin Cities. The district serves the students and community members of the New Prague, Elko New Market, northern Lonsdale areas, as well as several other communities. The district offers a small-town quality of life with easy access to the conveniences of a major metropolitan area.
I.S.D. 721 is an equal opportunity employer.
Choir Director
Edina Public Schools has a Choir teaching position (1.0 FTE) available at Edina High School beginning August 2018. The position includes directing the following curricular and extracurricular groups:
- Bel Canto (select, auditioned treble voices from grades 10-12)
- Another curricular non-auditioned treble chorus
- One or two extracurricular ensembles
Additional responsibilities include teaching pull-out sectionals for other choirs, as well as assisting students in selecting literature for solo/ensemble contest, honor choir auditions, and rehearsing specials acts for various choirs’ spring pops concerts. Candidates should have experience teaching treble voices, preferably at the high school level, should possess the ability to teach a wide variety of musical styles, and should demonstrate strong keyboard skills. More than 425 students sing in the Edina High School Choral program, a department comprised of six curricular choirs meeting during the day, four extracurricular ensembles providing students an additional singing opportunity outside the school day, and an early-morning, weekly Men’s Chorus open to all male singers in the high school and local community. The curricular choirs include 9th Grade SSA, 9th Grade TTB, Varsity SSA (grades 10-12), Varsity TTB (grades 10-12), Bel Canto (auditioned treble voices, grades 10-12), and Concert Choir (advanced mixed chorus, grades 11-12). In addition to numerous special events, all choirs perform in three home concerts: a fall concert and a winter concert, both comprised of typical choral repertoire, as well a spring concert of popular music in a variety show format. A close partnership between middle and high school programs ensures the development of comprehensive, life-long musical skills for all singers.
School Social Worker (2018-2019 Candidate Pool)
Thank you for considering ISD #622 as an employer! Applying for this job posting (#10446) will allow you to be a part of a candidate pool for School Social Work vacancies available for the 2018-2019 school year.
Position: School Social Worker (2018-2019 Candidate Pool)
Location: District-Wide Openings
Start date: 8/27/18
Salary: Per Teacher Master Agreement (may be viewed at www.isd622.org)
Benefits: Per Teacher Master Agreement (may be viewed at www.isd622.org)