To apply for this position, please visit the Mahtomedi Schools website.
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Minnesota Association of School Administrators
To apply for this position, please visit the Mahtomedi Schools website.
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Select About – Human Resources – Apply for a Position
Special Education Center-Based Paraprofessional (Job Coach)
District Wide
For Specific Information contact Ellen Grossman at [email protected]
Position Start Date: 4/2/2018
Position Days/Hours: Student contact days; 7.0 hrs/day
Banded/Graded: B-2-2 (Tier 6)
Salary: $20.53/hr
Responsible To: Building Principal/Specialized Education Supervisor
Major Job Functions/Specific Tasks/Required Knowledge, Abilities and Skills: See website
Benefits of Employment as of July 1, 2016: Eligible for benefits as negotiated between Student Support Staff (MSEA Association) and District 112. This position is eligible for overtime and comp time.
Background check will be conducted.
If recommended for employment, applicant will provide proof of legal right to work in the United States if required.
If you are changing positions or the number of hours you work, you benefits may change. Please make sure to check the eligibility of benefits as listed in the above agreement.
Application Procedure: Please apply online at: (only online applications will be accepted).
Please look for posting #5428.
Position: Early Childhood Special Education, Long Term Substitute Teacher (1.0)
Location: ECSE Beaver Lake
Start date: March 5, 2018 thru April 13th, 2018
Salary: Per Teacher Master Agreement (may be viewed at
Benefits: Per Teacher Master Agreement (may be viewed at
Work Year: 2017-2018
Mahtomedi Public Schools is a 3,300-student school district located in the northeast Twin Cities metropolitan area.
The district is comprised of an E-2 elementary, 3-5 elementary, Middle School grades 6-8 and High School grades 9-12.
Search Firm:
Patricia Heminover, Search Consultant
or Kelly Smith, Search Consultant
Job Summary: To inspire and prepare all students with the confidence, courage and competence to achieve their dreams; contribute to community; and engage in a lifetime of learning by managing cost effectively in the preparation and serving of safe and nutritious meals to students by ensuring compliance in meeting USDA regulations and sanitation codes; enhancing the school environment by making the school district mission the center of our work; and contributing to building community within our schools by living the district’s core values through implementation of the Gold Tray program.
Putting students at the center of what we do through the implementation of the following high accountability standards:Perform strategic planning for the food service operation including marketing, establishing meal patterns, service and staffing levels, and pricing to ensure that operating revenues exceed expenditures. This excess should be small but sufficient to allow for capital additions/replacements
Develop and maintain a system to recruit, hire, and train, direct, evaluate, discipline, and provide staff development for all food service personnel in accordance with employee contract agreements.
Organize, direct and administer federally funded school meals program including applications, agreements and contracts, state and federal reimbursement claims, local, state and federal regulations, federally donated food, and free and reduced meal program. Coordinate transfer of free and reduced counts to MARSS student system.
Assist the Director in preparing the annual budget and expenditure reports for the school nutrition department.
Perform purchasing functions in compliance with approved objectives, polices and/or procedures
Develop and supervise procedures for receiving, shipping, stocking of food and supplies to each site.
Facilitate the planning of all school menus based on student preferences, government commodities, nutritional objectives and established budgets. Maximize use of commodities at all schools. Plan the inclusion of monthly special events at all schools that utilize promotional items from vendors and that may have student, staff and parent involvement.
Directs the evaluation of new food products with input from school nutrition staff and students.
Compile monthly school reports and documentation indicating number of student meals served by site and timely submits data to Minnesota Department of Education via the program set by MDE. Maintain records for four years.
Provides technical support to nutrition managers. Provides training in daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly procedures. Visits sites when necessary to provide training.
Oversees and assists in recruiting, screening and assignment of food service personnel. Oversee the maintenance of the On Call personal pool to ensure an adequate number of staff substitutes.
Oversees the monitoring of daily staffing at schools to ensure adequate coverage.
Oversees the coordination of weekly purchasing of produce. Determines which produce company will supply items weekly, using both cost and quality as a determination. Submits Department of Defense produce orders using commodity money allocated to us.
Lives District 279 Core Values by building trustworthy relationships that contribute to a positive school community:Leads the integration of District 279 strategic priorities into the day to day work of our nutrition staff.
Organize, direct and administer a comprehensive staff development program that includes basic nutrition, food preparation techniques and leadership training.
Assists in developing and maintaining program standards, department policies, procedures and goals.
Assists in planning timely and productive food and nutrition manager meetings, cashier meetings as well as all staff meetings.
Assists in determining training needs, and the planning and conducting of department workshops.
Promotes and maintains effective intra/inter department communication and positive public relations.
Meets or exceeds all USDA, MDE, and local health department regulations:Monitor child nutrition federal/state regulations and local health department rules to ensure compliance. Establish procedures to maintain a high level of sanitation and integrate food safety regulations in all phases of the school food service operation. Conduct periodic school visits to monitor food preparation, food quality and service issues.
Coordinates the bidding and/or request for pricing processes for proposal responses from vendors for all food and non-food supplies while maintaining compliance requirements.
Direct the purchase of food and supplies in the stated quantity and of required quality for delivery at the time and place desired at the lowest practical cost in accordance with the policies of the Minnesota Department of Education and USDA.
Directs the procurement of USDA Commodity food products.
Coordinates the evaluation and revision of standardized quantity recipes and direct their use in consistent quality food preparation.
Interprets Child Nutrition federal/ state regulations and local health department rules to ensure compliance; conduct periodic school visits to monitor food preparation, food quality, and service issues.
Performs other comparable duties of a like or similar nature as assigned:Serve as a resource to all food service personnel and school staff in administering nutrition services at each building.
Collaborates with department staff and steps in when necessary to ensure daily duties are being met.
Purpose: To inspire and prepare all students with the confidence, courage and competence to achieve their dreams; contribute to community; and engage in a lifetime of learning.
Job Summary: The primary function of the Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Standards (CIES) Coordinator is to coordinate the planning, program development, evaluation and improvement of all curricular programs. The CIES Coordinator is responsible for: implementation of the continuous program improvement process; administration of assigned budgets; and supervision of staff development assessment specialists. In addition, the CIES Coordinator is responsible for the development and delivery of system staff development.
Coordinate the implementation of the Continuous Program Improvement Process.Monitor the Program Improvement Process (PIP), assuring use of best practice & research based programs
Analyze student achievement data, in collaboration with curriculum specialists/coordinators and the department of Research, Assessment and Accountability (RAA), in order to make informed PIP recommendations
Collaborate with staff development assessment specialist and coordinators to ensure coherence in the PIP process
Incorporate current research and district action plans into curriculum development (i.e. the efficacious learner, instructional strategies, 21st century skills, differentiation)
Know and understand the federal, state, and local guidelines for curriculum development, including Board Polices on teaching and learning
Study and remain current with research in areas such as curriculum, instruction, digital learning, and assessment to ensure program improvements are aligned with research
Coordinate work with student services, the Department of Educational Equity (DOEE) instructional media technology staff, and RAA to influence the use of technology for student and adult learning
Assess need for program changes
Facilitate district committees/ work related to PIP: New Course Approval Process, Registration Handbook, Audit and Graduation Standards Committee.
Ensure accountability with state and national standards and government agencies
Participate in district committees as needed: District Parent Advisory Council, Priority Result Teams
Implement a communications plan related to program improvement
Manage resources effectively to further the mission of the district.Develop and monitor the program budget
Compile and submit program reports as required
Manage available resources (budget, personnel, time, materials)
Coordinate allocation of resources to meet PIP objectives
Anticipate future needs and manage resources accordingly
Work with fund development coordinator to leverage assets for the department
Manage capital outlay expenditures
Ensure Professional Learning for all staff.Coordinate professional learning opportunities for all staff, including, but not limited to staff development assessment specialists, instructional coaches, and site leaders which is aligned to the district Strategic Plan
Collaborate with the CIES Director and coordinators to ensure consistency in professional learning opportunities for staff in all departments, including but not limited to Student Services, DOEE, Gifted Education, and multilingual learners
Continue to integrate all content related to strategic plan into the on-going work of CIES
Assume leadership for and engage in on-going collaboration to improve student learning.Collaborate and provide leadership for projects that integrate various district departments and/or outside agencies. This includes committees, joint work groups, and action teams focused on work such as Grad Standards, grading & reporting, programming for special education, multilingual learners, and gifted education, magnet schools, Priority Work Teams, site committees
Provide leadership for collaboration among CIES staff to develop and implement a coherent curriculum and related professional learning opportunities
Participate with institutions and agencies to enhance the work of CIES (eg: CAREI, 287)
Identify staff needs, using formal and informal staff assessment tools and assist in planning and conduction in-service activities
Supervise and evaluate staff development assessment specialists, supervise clerical staff as necessary.Implement the Performance Appraisal System for Licensed CIES staff according to established policies and procedures
Provide direction for daily work
Engage in effective communication and consultation with members of the organization and community.Facilitate meetings that may include a variety of stakeholders
Consult with colleagues, including but not limited to site leaders, student services staff, and instructional coaches, about issues related to curriculum, instruction, and student learning
Teach members of our organization and influence thinking about areas such as student learning, curriculum, instruction, and best practice
Present to various groups, such as DPAC, Learning Leaders, School Board, school faculties, PTOs
Actively seek alliances with state agencies, other school districts, and professional and community based organizations in an effort to influence the work of CIES
Provide for the dissemination of program information to the community, administrators, staff and support personnel
Provide expertise on local, regional, state, and national trends in curriculum, instruction and assessment
Provide leadership for systemic change.Coordinate communication for systemic initiatives related to curriculum and instruction
Ensure existing programs are consistent with the ISD 279 Strategic Plan
Perform other comparable duties of a like or similar nature as assigned.