General Information:
St Paul Music Academy is seeking a Teacher – Autism.
Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that significantly affects verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction. The characteristics are generally evident before age 3 and may adversely affect a child’s educational performance. Autism interferes with the normal development of the brain in the areas of reasoning, social interaction and communication skills. Children and adults with autism typically have deficiencies in verbal and nonverbal communication, social interactions, and leisure or play activities. The disorder makes it hard for them to communicate with others and relate to the outside world. They may exhibit repeated body movements, unusual responses to people or attachments to objects and resist any changes in routines. In some cases, aggressive and/or self-injurious behavior may be present. Autism occurs on a continuum from mild to severe and it occurs by itself or in association with other disorders such as developmental cognitive disability or fragile X syndrome.
About St Paul Music Academy. Music is the common language at our school: all students receive violin instruction in Pre-K, kindergarten, first and second grade, along with vocal music and keyboard. Students in grades 3-5 may choose from musical instruments in orchestra or band, plus African drumming. Students perform throughout the year, including large winter and spring concerts that celebrate the many cultures of our school. In addition to music, classes in science, technology and physical education give students variety beyond core academics. As an Achievement Plus school, we offer housing and employment assistance, dental care, and other services to students and their families.
A special education teacher will work in one of several special education licensure areas. The duties or each of these positions may vary. The essential functions of these positions include, but are not limited to the following fundamental duties.
- Provide instruction in the core curriculum and special education area(s) for which employed; make appropriate use of instructional resources and technologies.
- Develop and implement innovative methods for providing instruction to special education students.
- Maintain a suitable instructional environment for special education students according to their needs; ensure that equipment is modified and materials adapted as necessary.
- Participate with other special education staff as appropriate to evaluate the special education needs of a student and to develop an Individual Education Plan (IEP) to meet the student’s needs; implement these plans in accordance with special education state and federal legal requirements and district practice.
- Maintain student records and ensure that they are in compliance with due process requirements.
- Support the Minnesota Graduation Standards; implement the goals and objectives of the District and the school and/or program to which assigned.
- Evaluate special education student performance in accordance with the system used by the school and/or District; promote student achievement; ensure that progress is being made toward IEP goals and objectives; make related reports to parents, the principal and/or Special Education administration as prescribed or authorized.
- Maintain contact and communications with parents of special education students and work with them in the academic development of the student and to meet the objectives of the IEP or IFSP; participate in parent teacher conferences.
- Perform classroom management duties; enforce rules governing the conduct of students; take appropriate disciplinary action with students when necessary.
- Provide indirect services to special education students in the special education category for which employed.
- Develop and present in-service training relating to disabilities and the educational needs of students in the special education category for which employed.
- Continue to seek professional growth and development in the curriculum area(s) for which employed; attend professional development required by the District.
- Contribute to the District’s Strong Schools, Strong Communities efforts by partnering with other staff to contribute to student achievement and the alignment and sustainability of resources.
- Perform other related duties as assigned.