Early Childhood Special Education ASD Specialist A part-time (0.500 FTEs) position as an Early Childhood Special Education ASD Specialist is available beginning with the 2016-17 school year. Summary of Duties: Participate in ASD eligibility evaluations, and IEP meetings. Provide support to educational staff serving students birth through age 6. Collaborate with a grade K-12 ASD Coordinator and other assessment specialists. Requirements: MN licensure in Early Childhood Special Education and ASD is required. Application Deadline: July 30, 2016 or until filled. Candidates should complete the online application found at www.isd77.org Please upload 3 current letters of recommendation to your online application. This position will be filled on the basis of experience, competency, and qualifications of the applicant and the needs of the District. District 77 complies with state and federal fair employment regulations. For further information contact the Office of Special Education at 507-387-1818.
South Central
Social Studies Teacher – East High School
Social Studies Teacher East High School A full-time (1.00 FTEs) position as a Social Studies Teacher is available at East High School beginning with the 2016-17 school year. MN licensure in Social Studies is required. Teaching senior high social studies courses yet to be determined. Application Deadline: May 27, 2016 Candidates should complete the online application found at www.isd77.org Please upload 3 current letters of recommendation to your online application. This position will be filled on the basis of experience, competency, and qualifications of the applicant and the needs of the District. District 77 complies with state and federal fair employment regulations. For further information, contact Jeff Dahline, Principal at (507-387-5671).
Science Teacher
Counselor or Social Worker – Dakota Meadows Middle School
Social Worker or Counselor Dakota Meadows Middle School A full-time (1.000 FTEs) assignment as a Social Worker or Counselor is available at Dakota Meadows Middle School for the the 2016-17 school year. This position will serve as an RtI Interventionist. A valid Minnesota Department of Education School Social Worker or Counselor license is preferred. Additional licensure will be considered based on qualifications. Application deadline:July 31, 2016 or until filled. Candidates should complete the online application found at www.isd77.org Please upload 3 current letters of recommendation to your online application. This position will be filled on the basis of the experience, competency, and qualifications of the applicant and the needs of the District. District 77 complies with state and federal fair employment regulations. For further information contact Stephanie White,Director of Special Educationat (507-387-1818).
Mathematics Teacher – grades 7-8
Mathematics Teacher – grades 7-8
Long Term Substitute Grade 1 Teacher (full-time) – Washington Elementary School
Long Term Substitute Grade 1 Teacher (Full-Time) Washington Elementary School A position as a Long Term Substitute Grade 1 Teacher is available at Washington Elementary School beginning August 29 and ending December 22, 2016. MN licensure in Elementary Education is required. Application Deadline: Until Filled. Candidates should complete the online application found at www.isd77.org Please upload 3 letters of recommendation to your online application. These positions will be filled on the basis of the experience, competency, and qualifications of the applicant and the needs of the District. District 77 complies with state and federal fair employment regulations. For further information contact Shane Baier, Principal at Washington Elementary School at (507-)345-3059.