Full-Time Physical Education/Health Teacher wanted for 2016-2017 school year & beyond. Would like candidate who would be willing to coach activities & would also like to encourage May 2016 graduates to apply.
South Central
Early Childhood Special Education Teacher (Birth-2)
EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER (Birth-2) A full-time (1.000 FTEs) Early Childhood Special EducationTeacher (Birth-2) position isavailable beginning with the 2016-17 school year. MN licensure in ECSE is required. Application deadline: March 31, 2016 or until filled. Candidates should complete the online application found at www.isd77.org Please upload 3 current letters of recommendation to your online application. This position will be filled on the basis of experience, competency, and qualifications of the applicant and the needs of the District. District 77 complies with state and federal fair employment regulations. For further information contact the Special Education Office at 507-387-1818.
Speech Language Pathologist
Long Term Substitute .8 FTE Speech Language Pathologist Position begins approximately April 11 for 8 weeks.
Learning Disabilities Teacher – River Bend ALC
Develops and designs curriculum which addresses student’s needs and is consistent with the mission of the ALC. Serves as IEP manager for students assigned to the ALC. This includes completion of all necessary due process forms and adherence to due process timelines and other requirements. Conducts classroom instruction based on established lesson plans or instructional units. Monitors student behavior and performance, and deals with problem behaviors within the context of program rules and policies. Communicates with parents via parent-teacher conferences and IEP meetings, as necessary. Interprets student strengths, weaknesses, and/or problems the child may be experiencing in the classroom and in other’s classrooms. Collaborates with other ALC teachers in evaluating individual student problems, approaches to instruction, and new teaching technologies or procedures available. Develops student tests and evaluate results. Determines student grades for instructional units.
Technology Support Technician
Technology Support Technician starting July 1, 2016.
Chemistry and/or Physics Teacher (1.0 FTE) beginning the Fall of 2016
POSITION SUMMARY: *Will be responsible for developing lesson plans, conducting classroom instruction, evaluating and assessing both instructional material and student performance. Responsible for communicating student progress with parents/guardians and reporting student performance for local and state records. * Coaching and Advisory assignments available