READING INTERVENTION TEACHER (approximately0.083FTEs) Mt. Olive – NonPublic School Apart-time (approximately 0.083 FTEs) position asaReading Intervention Teacheris available at Mt. OliveNonPublic School. Teacher will be responsible for implementing a variety of intervention programs with identified students working on specific, targeted literacy skills.Important to this position will be the ongoing assessment of identified students who are receiving the additional literacy intervention as well as continuous collaboration with classroom teachers, special education staff, ELL, and the Literacy Coordinator.A valid Minnesota elementary teaching license is required; K-12 Reading license preferred and/or math emphasis.Application deadline: Until filled. To apply go towww.isd77.orgclick on Employment Opportunities.Please upload 3 current letters of recommendation to your online application. This position will be filled on the basis of the experience, competency, and qualifications of the applicant and the needs of the District.District 77 complies with state and federal fair employment regulations. For further information contact Melanie Helling, Student Support Coordinatorat 507-387-7353.
South Central
Elementary K-6 Teachers – Building Sites To Be Determined
ELEMENTARY K-6 TEACHERS Building Sites To Be Determined Full-time elementary teaching positions are availablewith Mankato Area Public Schools for the 2016-17 school year. Successful candidates will be assigned to a grade level/building once hired.A valid Minnesota elementary teaching license is required. Candidates should upload 3 letters of reference, at least onewritten bya current direct supervisor.Application deadline: Febtuary 26, 2016. To apply go towww.isd77.organd click on Employment Opportunities. These positions will be filled on the basis of the experience, competency, and qualifications of the applicant and the needs of the District.District 77 complies with state and federal fair employment regulations. For further information contact the Office of Human Resources (507-387-3017).
Social Worker or Counselor, Middle Level – East Junior High School
Middle Level Social Worker or Counselor East Junior High School A full-time (1.00 FTEs) assignment as a Social Worker or Counselor is available for the the 2015-16 school year. This position will serve as an RtI Interventionist. A valid Minnesota Department of Education School Social Worker or Counselor license is preferred.Additional licensure will be considered based on qualifications. Application deadline:January 31, 2016 or until filled. Candidates should complete the online application found at Please upload 3 current letters of recommendation to your online application. This position will be filled on the basis of the experience, competency, and qualifications of the applicant and the needs of the District. District 77 complies with state and federal fair employment regulations. For further information contact Steve Rustad, Principal at (507-345-6625).
School Psychologist or Intern School Psychologist
River Bend Education District of New Ulm has an opening for a School Psychologist or Intern School Psychologist beginning ASAP. This position affords opportunities to consult with teachers and parents provide direct service to students with disabilities and conduct psycho-educational assessments. This position provides the opportunity to work within a psych team, weekly psych meetings, and support from other school psychologists within the education district. Position will remain open until filled.