Full-Time High School Social Studies Teacher
Elementary Head Principal
The Elementary Principal leads the delivery of educational programs, operations, personnel, and financial resources within the building to ensure that District policies are followed, District and state standards are achieved, and that the educational needs of all students are met.
Job Summary:
Fosters high student achievement and provides learning experiences which help all students meet or exceed the Minnesota standards.
Develops a safe and welcoming learning environment where all individuals are respected.
Collaborates with building and District personnel to implement curriculum and instructional programs that support learning opportunities for all students.
Coordinates the involvement of various building stakeholders–staff, parents/guardians, students–in the development and implementation of policies that enhance opportunities for students.
Conducts classroom observations and evaluates the effectiveness of staff.
Develops building processes and procedures dealing with student learning and behavior.
Develops and administers the approved building budget and staffing.
Makes decisions relating to human resources within the building, including but not limited to hiring, discipline, training and development, performance appraisal, and related activities.
Is an integral member of the District leadership team, serving on building, district, and community committees.
Develops and directs the preparation of building emergency procedures and responses with District personnel.
Supports the maintenance and improvement of the school plant, facilities, and equipment.
Monitors the completion of reports, records, and communications required by the District and State.
Performs other duties as apparent or assigned.
1.0 FTE Choir Director – High School
Full-time (1.0 FTE) Secondary Vocal Music Director, 2 hours of lessons and 3 choirs, Freshman, Varsity & Concert. Concert Choir will include participation of Big 9 Conference Festival. This position commences with the 2020-2021 school year on August 24, 2020.
Science Teacher
Caledonia School District No. 299 has an opening for a full-time science teacher beginning the 2020-2021 school year. Must have a current Minnesota license in 7-12 science or chemistry and physics. Ability to teach college in the schools is preferred but not required.
School Health Coordinator 1.0 FTE – District Wide
Job Description: A 7.5 hour/day Nurse position for Faribault Public Schools to provide nursing assistance to students. Contract: 185 days per year.Recommends, develops and implements school programs to meet the needs of the students with specific health needs, including, but not limited to: 504 Plans, Individual Health Plans, Emergency Care Plans and Individual Education Program (IEP) Plans.
Keep teachers and other appropriate school staff informed and current regarding student’s special health concerns; explains health plans and protocols to help insure a clear understanding of the medical needs of students and under what circumstances emergency actions are to be taken.
Supervises the performance of health services staff and special education staff with Third Party Billing responsibilities.
Plan and provide screening programs for vision, hearing and scoliosis; conduct follow up assessments for referrals.
Assist with coordinating the district wellness and blood borne pathogens programs.
This position will commence with the 2020-21 School Year on 7/1/20.
Elementary Special Education Teacher
Elementary Special Education Teacher
ABS License Required
2020-2021 School Year