A full-time (1.0 FTE) Physical Education Teacher at Faribault High School commencing with the 2018-19 school year on August 27, 2018. This person will be teaching secondary (9-12) physical education to regular and special education students. Duties could include teaching swimming units as scheduled. This position commences with the 2018-19 school year.
High School Counselor
Essential Functions: A full-time (1.0 FTE) Counselor – Faribault High School. Responds to student needs with counseling, consultation & referral services. Assists the Principal setting schedules in response to students’ needs and desires. Monitors student academic progress and communicates with parents on current achievements. Works in collaboration with the Principal to develop and implement interventions designed to resolve academic performance and behavioral and/or discipline issues. Provides advocacy for students and families experiencing crisis pertaining to chemical health and also homelessness. This position commences with the 2018-19 school year on August 13, 2018.
Grade 5 Part-time Job Share Teacher
Part-time Job Share Grade 5 Teacher at Lincoln Elementary School. This position will commence with the 2018-19 school year on August 27, 2018.
Literacy Coach – Teacher on Special Assignment
Job Description: Full-time (1.0 FTE) Striving Readers Literacy Coaches. (3) High School, (2) Middle School, (Approximately 3) – Roosevelt/Lincoln/Jefferson. A literacy coach builds the capacity of Tier 1 (core) classroom teachers to close the literacy achievement gap by supporting teachers’ capacity to implement best practice instruction, increasing student engagement and improving student academic achievement. This support will take place thru:
Professional Development – The coach works one-on-one and in small groups with teachers, providing guidance, training, and other resources as needed on a daily or weekly basis for the implementation for grade level, content area, or program development supported by evidence-based practices.
Literacy instructional leadership – A SRCL literacy coach supports the classroom teacher, support staff, and building principal in addressing literacy academic issues teachers face daily in their classrooms. The coach may model lessons, participate in PLC conversations, or help teachers create lesson plans designed to ensure all learners, especially marginalized students in core instruction, meet or exceed grade level expectations.
Collaboration – The SRCL instructional coach teams with administrators, other coaches, and classroom teachers in a collaborative, reflective relationship to enhance literacy instructional capacity and maximize student learning.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
- Provide comprehensive instructional coaching in literacy evidence-based practices consistent with local literacy plan and Striving Reading Comprehensive Literacy Grant requirements.
- Collaborate with all designated SRCL teachers by providing regular coach feedback on literacy instructional practices, implementation of plan requirements, alignment of practices to the Academic Standards, data analysis, differentiation for students below or above grade level, and other related practices
- Serve as resource for identifying support for teachers, especially with regard to differentiating professional learning needs
- Know and use current evidence-based practices with a proven track record of success
- Advocate for equity by collaborating with district coaches and addressing literacy evidence-based practices that help teachers meet the needs of all learners, especially marginalized students
- Communicate regularly with building principals and district administrators to address implementation issues, develop common understanding of outcomes, support teachers, identify challenges, and celebrate successes
Assistant Principal
The Austin Public School District is seeking an experienced leader to serve as Assistant Principal at IJ Holton Intermediate School. The successful candidate will work to implement the mission and vision of the building and support the school in a variety of capacities including the following:
*Coordinate & oversee student behavior management including prevention, behavior intervention, and discipline,
*Organize building supervision,
*Staff, supervise and assist in scheduling paraprofessionals,
*Lead the Student Assistance Team,
*Manage all standardized testing,
*Support staff evaluation and improvement efforts,
*Support staff development,
*Communicate with staff and families about student successes and concerns,
*Serve as administrative designee for 504 and Special Education meetings,
*Reflect on systems and practices regularly to help improve the organization, and
*Participate in other duties as identified.
Special Education EBD Teacher
Hiawatha Valley Education District is seeking full-time 1.0 FTE Special Education EBD (Emotional Behavior Disorders) Teacher for the Setting IV Program, WIN (What I Need) located in Caledonia, MN and SAIL (Students Achieving Integrated Learning) located in Kellogg, MN.