Full-time band director/teacher
Elementary Education Teacher
Full-time elementary education teacher.
Special Education Teacher (4-6 Elementary)
Special Education Teacher (4-6 Elementary) Multiple licenses preferred. 2017-2018 School Year
Elementary Principal
The Medford School District is seeking a Principal for the Medford Elementary School. Medford is a growing community, located in south-central MN. Medford Elementary, a PreK-6 school of approximately 500 students with a stable enrollment, is known as a school of choice in our region. We have 27 classroom teachers, 4 Special Education teachers, and 1 English Language teacher. In addition to the teaching staff, other licensed staff includes the following full or part-time positions: Social Worker, Psychologist, Special Education Coordinator, Technology Integration Specialist, Math Specialist, Reading Specialist, and Peer Coach/Assessment Coordinator. Medford Public Schools has high academic standards and a belief in a diverse and well-rounded educational program for all learners.
EL Teacher – 1.0 FTE JobID: 2656 Apply
Work with EL students in different service models; co-teaching, push-in, and self-contained EL classes. Provide language instruction guided by the ELA standards.
EL Teacher/EL Social Studies Teacher – 1.0 FTE JobID: 2657 Apply
Teach EL reading, writing, grammar and World History to EL students.