Job Description:
1.0 FTE Teacher on Special Assignment (1 year commitment). This position is funded through the Comprehensive Literacy State Development grant through the Minnesota Department of Education. This grant and its requirements are active through the 2023-2024 school year.
A literacy coach builds the capacity of Tier 1 (core) classroom teachers to close the literacy achievement gap by supporting teachers’ capacity to implement best practice instruction, increasing student engagement, and improving student academic achievement.
This support will take place in a variety of ways:Job Embedded Coaching and Professional Development
Effective literacy coaches spend 80% of their time working directly with teachers to enhance teacher practice and improve student learning through coaching on evidence-based practices. They make effective use of their time by using a multi-faceted approach to coaching to carefully determine what types of coaching can be done effectively with large groups, small groups, and individual teachers.Instructional Literacy Leadership
Effective literacy coaches are integral members of leadership teams at the school and district level. Literacy coaches serve as literacy leaders within their schools by working with administrators and other teachers to establish a school-wide literacy vision, aligning instruction to state academic standards, analyzing data, and helping teachers use the data to make instructional decisions. Coaches are routinely expected to develop and lead large group and small group professional learning. Collaboration
The instructional coach teams with administrators, other coaches, the Family Literacy Specialist, and classroom teachers in a collaborative, reflective relationship to enhance instructional capacity and maximize student learning. On occasion, other teachers or specialists (like interventionists) may be included in professional learning teams, but the coach’s primary role is to support classroom teachers delivering core instruction using evidence-based practices. Coaching provides non-evaluative teacher support through action planning, co-planning, observing, modeling, conferencing, and co-teaching that is differentiated to meet teachers’ professional learning needs.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities
Use a variety of strategies to establish rapport and trust with teachers and leaders
Serve on school committees that focus on literacy-related and student achievement issues, including being a member of the intervention and student support teams
Develop, refine, and manage the school’s literacy goals and site plan
Apply principles of adult learning theory when working with teachers
Analyze data and guide data-driven decision making with teachers and leaders
Serve as a liaison between the district and school by attending district-level meetings/workshops and sharing the information with the appropriate stakeholders
Provide grade level/team level professional development on evidence-based practices
Reflect on coaching practices and engage in continuous improvement to meet the diverse needs of teachers
Advocate for equity to identify the instructional practices that will help teachers meet the needs of all learners, especially underserved students
Fulfill all MDE CLSD requirements including:Keep a daily coaching log and coaching cycle action plans
Attend and participate in all MDE hosted webinars, communities of practice, monthly district check-in meetings, trainings, and site visits
Keep minutes for Site Leadership Team meetings
Manage school’s CLSD grant file
Complete required reporting with site leadership and Family Literacy Specialists