School Readiness/ECFE Teacher (Parent Educator License is preferred)
3rd Grade Teacher
3rd Grade Teacher
Position Type: Full Time
Date Posted: June 2, 2023
Location: Pine Island School District
Work day/Year: Full Time – Starting in the 2023-2024 school year
Application Deadline: June 16, 2023
Job Summary: Independent School District #255, Pine Island is seeking a grade 3 teacher starting in the 2023-2024 school year. The Pine Island School District is looking for a candidate who enjoys delivering engaging curriculum and collaborating with others. There are opportunities for support to all staff members in the areas of technology, curriculum, and professional development. The Pine Island School District has seen consistent growth for many years and offers many great opportunities for both students and staff.
Qualification Required: A Minnesota teaching license to teach grade 3.
Application Procedure: Applications are available through Applitrack: Click HERE to review all current posting for the Pine Island School District.
Elementary Intervention Teacher – 0.5 FTE
Position Information:
- Intervention Teacher Grades K-5
- St. Theodore School
- 0.5 FTE, 15-20 hours per week
- Must hold appropriate Minnesota teaching license in elementary education
- Knowledge and experience in elementary education
- Knowledge and experience with math and reading interventions
- Ability to work in a team
- Dedication to positive student, staff, and parent relationships
- Prefer experience/education in Responsive Classroom
- Must be a reflective practitioner
High School Principal
HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL (1.0 FTE) – ST. CHARLES HIGH SCHOOL – This position begins July 1, 2023 for the 2023-24 school year. Applicants must hold a valid 7-12 Minnesota principal’s license, or be able to show proof of their ability to obtain appropriate licensure in Minnesota by July 1, 2023. Salary and benefits are negotiable depending on experience and terms of the 2021-2023 St. Charles Principals’ Agreement (pending negotiations). Application deadline is June 23, 2023. Interested candidates should complete our online application and submit a cover letter, resume, reference list including three or more professional references with current (within the last two years) letters of reference from each reference, and college transcripts by going to and clicking on “Employment Opportunities” on the home page. Questions about the position should be directed to Jeff Apse, Superintendent of Schools at [email protected] or 507-932-4420.
POSITION SUMMARY: This position serves as building administrator responsible for building management, curriculum management, and human resources management.
JOB SUMMARY: Under the general supervision of the Superintendent of Schools, to provide leadership and supervision in administering the educational program of a High School in order to promote the educational development and achievement of students in accordance with Board of Education policies, administrative procedures, rules and regulations, and applicable law.
GOAL: To provide visionary educational leadership that will ensure the highest standards of educational opportunities for students.
TASK NO. and DESCRIPTION:Develops and administers school programs consistent with school district goals and objectives.
Provides leadership and direction to staff with regard to the ongoing evaluation and improvement of educational programs, including curricular and extra-curricular activities.
Promotes a school environment that is safe and conducive to individualized instruction, cooperative curriculum development, and student learning.
Ensures that Board policies and procedures are implemented and followed at the school.
Continues to acquire professional knowledge and learn of current developments in the educational field by attending seminars, workshops or professional meetings, or by conducting research.
Encourages staff to continue to grow professionally and to experiment with new approaches or strategies to teaching.
Organizes and maintains a system for accurate and complete record-keeping and reporting for all student activities, attendance and records as required by law.
Coordinates the work of school staff and school district program leaders to develop and implement instructional programs and teaching practices.
Conducts ongoing assessment of student learning, and works with teaching staff to modify instructional methods to fit students’ needs, including students with special needs.
Coordinates with the District office in recruitment and selection of employees, the proper maintenance of employee personnel files, the administration of collective bargaining agreements, corrective action, and other human resource issues.
Organizes and conducts regular meetings with teachers for continuing development of instructional techniques.
Involves staff in the evaluation of programs and the planning of new programs.
Encourages parental involvement in students’ education and ensures effective communication with students and parents.
Ensures that student conduct conforms with the school’s standards and school district policies.
Supervises and evaluates teaching staff and other building employees in accordance with the school district’s evaluation plan, and makes recommendations regarding goals, areas needing improvement and continued employment.
Organizes and manages the budgetary and financial affairs of the school consistent with school district policies.
The above tasks are listed for the purpose of identifying the appropriate State Job Match for this job class and are not intended to be a comprehensive list of all responsibilities and tasks which may be assigned to this position.
Estimated length of time required for new entrant to achieve acceptable level of proficiency: One year.
ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS: This position reports directly to the Superintendent and works in various capacities with administrative, service, and support staff.
WAGES: Competitive Salary and benefits, negotiable based on experience and terms of St. Charles Administrative Contract with the School Principals’ Association. 220 days per year
WORKING CONDITIONS: No unusual or extraordinary working conditions.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT: Determined by St. Charles Administrative Contract with the School Board of I.S.D. #858.
PERFORMANCE REVIEW: Annual review of administrative goals with the Superintendent.
1.0 FTE Biology Teacher – Faribault High School
Job Description: The Faribault High School is seeking a Full-time 1.0 FTE Biology teacher for the 2023-2024 School Year.
JOB DESCRIPTION: This is a licensed teaching position that works directly with students. This teacher is responsible for all planning, assessment and instruction, and differentiation of the curriculum as needed while providing positive and consistent curriculum classroom management and behavioral intervention and support. Additional collaborative work may regularly take place with parents, coworkers and administrators to ensure the high academic performance and achievement of these students. This position could include Biology, AP Biology, and Integrated Science (9th Grade) . The position will commence with the 2023-2024 school year on August 21, 2023.
• Collaborate with school personnel, parents and various community agencies for the purpose of improving the quality of student outcomes, developing solutions and planning curriculum.
• Create a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and appropriate to the maturity and interests of students.
• Promote equity and appreciation of diversity
• Maintain classroom management and consistently implement the program’s level system.
• Promote high standards and expectations for student achievement
• Plan and deliver effective instruction according to MN state standards.
• Address the human growth and development, physical, emotional/mental, social, intellectual, and moral issues
• Develop creative weekly lesson plans that meet needs of student learners.
• Deliver instruction utilizing appropriate resources, equipment, materials, technology and instructional strategies.
• Provide differentiated instruction based on the student’s individual level of functioning and / or modalities.
• Provide a positive role model of appropriate and respectful interactions with students and staff.
• Develop, teach, and review clear and concise classroom rules, routines, procedures, and expectations.
• Maintain constant and ongoing communication regarding students and all facets of the program.
• Accurately complete all required paperwork within the designated timelines.
• Create and support implementation of behavior improvement plans
• Perform other duties as deemed appropriate by the Director
Instructional Coach and MSU Minnesota Educators Partnership TOSA
Job Title:
1.0 FTE TOSA – .5 FTE Instructional Coach & .5 FTE MSU Minnesota Educators Partnership Coordinator
Essential Functions:
- Serve as the TOSA for the Minnesota Educators Partnership (MEP) with Minnesota State University, Mankato (MSU,M). The dual role will include responsibilities for Faribault Public Schools (0.5) and responsibilities for MSU,M (0.5).
- Work closely with the FPS and MSU,M University faculty to communicate goals, align resources and assist in guaranteeing the effectiveness of each teacher candidate placement.
- Mentor and support the growth of the secondary teaching fellow through the MSU,M partnership, student teachers, district mentor teachers and university students in field experiences; co-planning/teaching, weekly/monthly meetings/coaching conversations/reflection, observations and analysis of student work.
- Participate in professional development to perform or improve required skills inclusive but not limited to; New Teacher Center Coaching Cycles of Effective Teaching, Cognitive Coaching, Instructional Coaching and other relevant professional development.
- Lead professional development incorporating learning from the MSU,M partnership.
- Serve as internal coach for Americorps programs including Math Corps and Reading Corps (shared with the Elementary TOSA). This may include coaching in elementary programs.
- Attend and engage in Teacher Candidate Support Network and TOSA meetings.
- Other duties as assigned