The Fulda Public Schools has an opening for the 2019-20 school year for a full-time elementary teacher (1st Grade). Coaching and other assignments are available, but not required. Position is open until filled.
Elementary Classroom Teacher (Multiple Positions)
Elementary Classroom Teacher (Multiple Positions)
Title I Teacher
Full time Title I Teacher
Superintendent – Dawson-Boyd School
The Dawson-Boyd School Board is accepting applications for the position of Superintendent through Monday, March 25, 2019. The screening process follows with interviews commencing April 1, 2019. The new Superintendent will begin work July 1, 2019.
The Dawson-Boyd School District is situated on the prairie of west-central Minnesota with all school facilities located in Dawson. The school district has many points of pride including:
- Supportive and engaged community.
- Well-managed budget and well-maintained facilities.
- Implementation of 1-to-1 technology district wide.
- Professional staff committed to providing exemplary student learning opportunities.
- Standards-based curriculum and instruction supported by Best Practices professional development.
- February 2019 approval of a $22.7M bond referendum for building projects and updates to facilities.
The Dawson-Boyd School District is committed to finding a candidate who:
- Has a solid understanding of school budgeting and finance;
- Has knowledge of and successful experience in school district management practices including the ability to delegate;
- Is committed to life-long learning and demonstrates that commitment to staff, students and the community;
- Has the proven ability to create an atmosphere of trust and respect;
- Is a visible, community-oriented person who is accessible to the School Board, staff, students, parents, and community and who has an interest and desire to build local and regional partnerships with community groups and neighboring school districts;
- Possesses proven abilities in human relations and communications;
- Works cooperatively with the School Board providing options and recommendations;
Previous administrative experience is preferred, but not required. A competitive compensation package, with an annual salary in the range of $100,000 to $120,000, will be negotiated commensurate with experience and qualifications. The contract length is negotiable as provided in Minnesota statute.
The Dawson-Boyd School Board prefers electronic applications; however, hard copy applications are welcomed also. To be considered for this position, an applicant’s completed file must include:
- A letter of application;
- Legal proof or other evidence (i.e., certificate/license) showing the applicant’s qualification to be a superintendent in the state of Minnesota;
- A set of up-to-date credentials, which includes a current resume, at least three letters of recommendation, and a copy of the applicant’s official transcript(s). Please contact Board Chair Bruce Lund at 320-769-2645, or [email protected] with any questions.
- Follow the Orange District Application Box below or click here
Independent School District 378 [Dawson-Boyd], 848 Chestnut Street, Dawson, MN 56232
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Student Information System Assistant
Performs intermediate technical work preparing and maintaining student information database, along with fiscal and
related records, and related work as apparent or assigned.
EL Teacher
EL Teacher at the Willmar Senior High School