1.00 FTE Fourth Grade Teacher – Redwood Area School District is seeking applications for a full-time Fourth Grade Teacher for the 2018-2019 school year. Assignment to begin in August, 2018.
Science Teacher
Senior High level Science teacher at an Alternative Learning Center setting.
EL Teacher
English Language Learner Teacher in an Elementary School.
Industrial Technology Teacher
Full time Industrial Technology position available at Willmar Senior High School. Willmar Senior High has a team of two techniolgy teachers. The new hire will have established classes to choose from as well as the ability to create elecitve classes based on their interest.
Agriculture Teacher
Full time teaching position available at the Willmar Senior High School. We are looking for a CTE licensed teacher in either Agriculture or Technology Education.
Our Ag and Tech departments are made up of 5 teachers. We currently have 3 Ag teachers and 2 Tech Ed teachers. We have some classes that need to be staffed but we are open to hosting classes based upon the new teacher’s interests and areas of expertise.
Elementary Teacher
Elementary Classroom Teacher, grade level tbd.