1) Conduct Psycho-Educational Evaluations for initial special education identification or for re-evaluation when required. Conduct, score, interpret and report assessment results.
2) Case manage initial IEP evaluation team meetings and assignment of necessary staff.
3) Function as LEA for IEP team meetings.
4) Consult, collaborate with teachers, administrators and student services staff regarding issues related to student learning, behavior, mental health and social/emotional learning.
5) Conduct Functional Behavioral Assessments and assist with behavior and academic intervention plans.
6) Lead student assistance teams.
7) Support the use of data to make educational and behavioral decisions for students.
8) Support the coordination of special education services under the Director of Student Services.
Athletic Director/Assistant Principal
The School District of New Richmond is seeking an exceptional Athletic Director/Assistant Principal to provide leadership to the District’s overall vision for athletics, co-curricular, and student-led programming. The Athletic Director/Assistant Principal will provide a growth mindset for outstanding educational leadership, professionalism and excellence.
DISTRICT PROFILE: New Richmond is located 50 miles northeast of Minneapolis/St. Paul in a growing community with a great quality of life. The School District of New Richmond is proud of the public education we offer thanks to our tremendous staff who embrace our core purpose which is to inspire students to learn to his/her potential. New Richmond has an emphasis on academic achievement and high expectations with great physical facilities and a very supportive community in which to work.
REPORTS TO: High School Principal
• Plans, recommends, and implements strategies to support co-curricular programs.
• Promotes continuous improvement in all programs and activities.
• Communicates school district philosophy to all coaches and advisors.
• Insures that coaches and advisors are adhering to district policies.
• Promotes positive messages to the general public concerning co-curricular programs and activities.
• Develops co-curricular schedules and maintains a master calendar.
• Build relationships with community and youth programs to promote participation.
• Organizes and coordinates transportation.
• Proficient in technology and develop streaming events for the community.
• Provide instructional leadership as needed in the following areas:
*Staff observations and evaluations.
*Special Services IEP and 504 plans.
*Student safety and discipline.
• Additional areas as assigned by the Principal.
• Sets up activity event supervision with fellow administrators and supervises events.
• Manages and supervises all co-curricular staff.
• Recruit, train, and retain high quality coaches and leaders.
• Provides training sessions.
• Evaluates coaching and advisory staff and programs.
• Works with the high school principal and/or superintendent to administer staff discipline.
• Maintains a system for financial accountability.
• Monitors co-curricular expenditures and income generated.
• Makes recommendations concerning program budgets and needs.
• Collects revenues from various events.
• Oversees student activity accounts related to co-curricular programs.
• Fundraises for the athletic department.
Student Eligibility/School Events
• Distributes information and eligibility rules to students, staff and parents regarding activities.
• In coordination with the high school principal, administers student discipline for co-curricular activities.
Performs other duties as assigned or requested
Teacher- Special Education (Cross Categorical/ID)
To help students master subject matter and skills in a learning environment which allows for the intellectual, physical, emotional, cultural, social and ethical growth of children in a changing world.
Building principal and director of Student Services.
Students, paraprofessionals, student teachers or others as assigned.
Teacher- Special Education (ID)
To help students master subject matter and skills in a learning environment which allows for the intellectual, physical, emotional, cultural, social and ethical growth of children in a changing world.
Building principal and director of Student Services.
Students, paraprofessionals, student teachers or others as assigned.
Teacher- English/Reading Interventionist
To help students master subject matter and skills in a learning environment which allows for the intellectual, physical, emotional, cultural, social and ethical growth of children in a changing world.
Building principal or person designated by the district administrator.
Students, student teachers or others as assigned.
The classroom teacher shall:
1. Make provisions in the classroom utilizing the philosophy that all children can learn as per mission statement.
2. Teach curriculum as per scope and sequence and/or department curriculum.
3. Modify curriculum as appropriate and as needed in the curriculum review cycle.
4. Provide an appropriate opportunity for students to master the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards.
5. Provide in a timely fashion the necessary documentation for completing the materials adoption process when appropriate.
6. Develop, implement and evaluate personal and professional instructional goals with the assistance of the building principal as part of ongoing staff development.
7. Identify and provide a program of study that meets the individual needs, interests and abilities of students.
8. Prepare for classes assigned and provide written evidence of preparation per building procedures.
9. Guide the learning process toward the achievement of curriculum goals, consistent with the district’s philosophy, and establish clear objectives for all lessons, units, projects and communicate these objectives to students.
10. Strive to implement, by instruction and action, the district’s educational philosophy and instructional goals and objectives.
11. Create a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and appropriate to the maturity and interests of students.
12. Encourage students to set and maintain standards of classroom behavior.
13. Develop reasonable rules for classroom behavior and related procedures.
14. Maintain order in the classroom in a consistently fair and just manner.
15. Employ a variety of instructional techniques, instructional media and assessment tools.
16. Assess the accomplishments of students on a regular basis, provide timely feedback to students, and provide progress reports as required.
17. Assess student progress towards mastery of the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards as appropriate.
18. Identify any learning and behavioral difficulties of students on a regular basis, seeking the assistance of district specialists and the Individual Education Team meeting.
19. Take necessary and reasonable precautions to protect students, equipment, materials and facilities.
20. Maintain accurate and complete records as required by law, Board policy and administrative regulation.
21. Assist the administration in implementing Board policies and rules.
22. Encourage parent/guardian involvement by taking an active role and being available to students and parents/guardians for education-related purposes when required or requested to do so under reasonable terms.
23. Maintain effective lines of communication among staff, parents/guardians and supervisors to assist in the education of each child.
24. Serve as a role model by demonstrating a positive attitude, appropriate dress, timeliness, proper preparation and strong work habits.
25. Be responsible for students in his/her charge and for any and all students of the school during the school day and during school functions.
26. Work cooperatively with all staff, promote interdisciplinary collaboration and be supportive of other building/district programs.
27. Take responsibility for staying professionally current.
28. Attend all building faculty, department and Individual Education Plan (IEP) staffings and meetings as required or upon request.
29. Assume all other responsibilities and perform all other duties as assigned by the building principal or person designated by the district administrator.
District Administrator
Position Available: District Administrator
District Name: School District of Somerset
District Address: 639 Sunrise Drive, PO Box 100, Somerset, WI 54025
Qualifications: Hold or be eligible for licensure as a District Administrator in Wisconsin. Experience as a Superintendent or District Administrator in a district office setting preferred. Demonstrate strong commitment to student achievement, building partnerships in the community, supporting staff learning and development, and supporting students of diverse backgrounds.
Consultants Assisting the Board: School Exec Connect
Ken Dragseth (952-210-2790) Antoinette Johns (612-309-1511) David Clough (847-644-5556)
District Website:
Communities Served: The Somerset School District serves the townships of Somerset, Star Prairie, Richmond, and St. Joseph and the Village of Somerset
Student Population: 1,457
District Budget $20 M
District Schools:
- Somerset Elementary School, Jr. K – 4
- Somerset Middle School 5 – 8
- Somerset High School 9 – 12
District Highlights: Our Mission: Together we Engage, Educate, and Empower all learners; bridging their passions to pathways to create successful futures and positively contribute to our local and global communities.
- Mission driven Strategic Plan and Core Values
- All schools and district office on one campus
- Recently updated facilities
- Growing and supportive community
- Competitive curricular and co-curricular activities
- Standards-based junior kindergarten – 12 curriculum is enhanced with character education, special education, alternative education, virtual education, and gifted/talented programs
- Culturally aware and welcoming community and school district
- Employee training and development in Restorative Practices and Mindfulness
- Strong parent and community support for the Arts, Academics, and Activities
- Named a US News and World Report “Best High School” in 2019 and 2020
- First Wisconsin High School to create a partnership with the University of Minnesota to offer College in the Schools (CIS) classes at SHS
- Offers a wide variety of courses where students can earn college credit:
- 6 College in the Schools
- 7 Advanced Placement
- 5 Project Lead the Way
- 3 Articulated through Northwood Tech and Chippewa Valley Tech
- State of the art classrooms in the areas of Technical Education, Fabrication, Engineering, and Food Service
- 17 WIAA Sports, 10 Activities, Multiple Clubs for students to participate in
- Newly renovated learning spaces that allow for collaboration among students throughout the building
- Staff trained in Restorative Practices and Top 20 Principles to foster a safe and supportive culture
- Dedicated staff who work to meet the academic, social, and behavioral needs of students
- Junior Kindergarten program offered daily with opportunity for full-day wrap around program
- Active parent group
- Responsive Classroom and Restorative practices trained staff; dedicated to a safe and welcoming school culture
Search Calendar: (The Board reserves the right to extend or modify all dates)
- Application Deadline: May 6, 2022
- Selected candidates taken to the Board on: May 9, 2022
- First round interviews on: May 10 & 12, 2022
- Second round interviews on: May 23, 24, and 25
- Position Begins: July 1, 2022 or ASAP
Compensation Package Offered: Regionally Competitive
Application Process:
Apply through the website or WECAN site if you are interested in this position.
You will be asked to complete the online application and present a cover letter, resume, copies of graduate transcripts, at least four reference letters, and proof of certification to support your candidacy.