Special Education Teacher to work with elementary age students with special education needs.
ECFE Parent Educator
Full job description can be found on district web site.
Superintendent of Schools
Northland Community Schools is located in Cass County. The school district’s main office is located in Remer.
Speech Language Pathologist
Provide Speech language services to students who qualify for the service. Be part of a special education team at Harrison Elementary, conduct all aspects of due process procedures including conducting speech/language assessments, writing evaluation reports, writing IEP’s, writing progress reports, doing third party billing. See job description attached on district web site with the posting.
Math Teacher
Provide full time math instruction at the Brainerd High School. This full time teaching position includes teaching Advanced Algebra, AP Statistics, and Precalculus. College in the Schools (CIS) courses are also offered through Central Lakes College.
Mathematcis Teacher
Provide full time math instruction at the Brainerd High School. This full time teaching position includes teaching Advanced Algebra, and CIS College Algebra. College in the Schools (CIS) courses are also offered through Central Lakes College.