Preferred: ABS or ASD and willingness to obtain licensure within 2 years of employment.
Special Education Teacher, Setting III Program
2017-18 School Year.
Special Education Teacher
17-18 School year. 8 hrs/day 185 days/yr
Teacher, Physics
Description: 1.0 FTE, Physics Teacher needed. Position starts in 17.18 School Year at Shakopee West Junior High. Job Summary: Creates a classroom environment that fosters student learning and personal growth. Provides instruction in content area in accordance with each student’s ability, establishes effective working relationships with students and parents, works collaboratively with other staff members.
.70 Art Teacher
Art Teacher – Middle School – .70 FTE – Beginning the 2017-18 school year.
Lead Teacher of the Alternative Learning Center
POSITION: Lead Teacher CALC 1.00 FTE – 184 days + 10 extended days beginning mid-August, 2017. RESPONSIBILITIES: Registrations Intake and assess all new students, Interview new applicants, Assist families in the application process, Tour facility with family, Determine graduation credit and state testing needs, Administer placement assessments 916 Coordinator Register and monitor progress on all CALC students who attend 916 Attend 916 Advisory meeting once a month Night school, Registration, Credit evaluation and liaison with home school counselors Summer school, registration, credit evaluations and liaison with home school counselors Student Services Individual counseling for students, staff and families in the following programs; ALC, Journey, Adult Transition Monthly meetings with every student about academics, careers and personal development Credit evaluations and monitoring for all students, Keep accurate records on student credit needs, Update transcripts every end of school year Monitor Personal Learning Plans and Continual Learning Plans on each student Transition seniors to graduation/post-secondary,Assist with college research, Assist with placement testing applications, Assist with transcripts Mediations, Individual, Family, Staff Liaison with Anoka County Social Services in assisting student, parents and families find medical care, emergency food shelves, housing and mental health counseling Liaison with outside services School Test Coordinator TABE-all students MCA- Math, Reading and Science ACT-11th graders Staff Services 504 Coordinator Work with student, families and staff in developing and implementing 504 plans Member of the ALC Student Assistance Team, CHS Student Assistance Team Liaison with High School and Middle School administration, counselors, TOSA’s staff, Student Assistance team, Individual student staffing/meetings Meeting as needed, w/Lead teacher and students on Academic probation to design goals for academic success Collaboration with teachers on proactive, prevention based guidance curriculum lessons Assist staff with classroom interventions IEP evaluation team member/Child Study Team Member Community Services Truancy liaison with Anoka County Attend remediation sessions with students, parents and Anoka County staff Misc Duties Organize and oversee ALC graduation ceremonies in June Assist in the organization and set up the monthly community meetings/ Student Recognition events New Duties Oversee Targeted services MDE reporting Assist in Special Education Budget, approval of purchases, working with Lead Teacher and Special Education Department. School Lunch overseer, works with Nutrition Services, budget, reduces enrollment Conducts para training in the fall and periodically as needed or on inservice days (regular and special-needs training) Organizes and runs para meetings only as needed.