Part-time (.66 FTE) Industrial Technology teaching position at Southwest Jr. High, grades 7-9, beginning the 2016-17 school year. Three classes each semester with emphasis teaching metals. Candidates with ability in this area who hold other licensure will be considered. Application deadline: August 19, 2016 or until filled.
High School 504 Coordinator (.5 FTE)
Edina High School has a 504 Coordinator (.5 FTE)position available at Edina High School beginning August 15, 2016. This person will oversee the student 504 plan evaluation process and communications. This personal will work with a team todetermine if students meet eligibility requirements.
Earth and Space Science Teacher (8% of FTE) (2377)
Teach Earth and Space Science classes to high school students. Teacher will teach only one class first trimester. Temporary, approximately 55 days.
Business Teacher (.4 FTE)
Edina Public Schools has a Business Education (.4 FTE) teaching position available at Edina High School beginning immediately.
Physical Education/Health Education Teacher
Full-time Physical Education/Health Education teaching position at Southwest Jr. High, grades 7-9, beginning the 2016-17 school year. Application deadline: August 12, 2016 or until filled.
Middle School Cheer Coach (.6 FTE)
Edina Public Schools has an opening for a part-time (.6)Middle SchoolCheerCoach at Edina High School beginning August 15, 2016.