SUMMARY/ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS/COMPETENCIES: Essential functions may include any of the following representative duties, knowledge, and skills. This list is ILLUSTRATIVE ONLY, and is not a comprehensive listing of all functions and duties performed by incumbents of this class. Employees are required to be in attendance and prepared to begin work at their assigned work location on the specified days and hours. Factors such as regular attendance at the job are not routinely listed in job descriptions, but are an essential function. Essential duties and responsibilities may include, but are not limited to, the following: Elementary Reading Interventionist: -Teach small group reading intervention in Spanish, with an emphasis on Kindergarten through second grade. -Use, know and understand how to assess reading proficiency data to determine individual student and program goals for increasing student achievement more than one grade level per year. -Increase student achievement in reading through quality research-based instructional practices and beliefs. -Use, know and understand how to identify high quality instructional materials, which meets the interests and reading needs of all readers and represents various cultures and genres (including informational, content area, electronic texts and non-print materials). -Work collaboratively with all educators involved with ensuring students at risk of not meeting grade level outcomes are provided with services and assistance consistent with student needs. -Participate in regular site level and district level decision making meetings and professional development. -Demonstrate consistent use of culturally relevant instructional practices. An Elementary Teacher of Reading will effectively: -Meet or exceed licensure qualifications for Teacher of Reading -Demonstrate proficiency in all licensure standards as described in Reading Licensure Rule 8710.4725 -Support Building School Improvement Goals related to Literacy and Reading through participation in PLCs, providing resources to leadership teams and staff development committees, conferring with administrators and teachers on course of action to attain stated goals -Work collaboratively with ADSIS Coordinator, special education staff, ELL staff, Title I staff, Gifted and Talented staff, and other district educators to create seamless continuums of support for all learners -Demonstrate expertise with interpreting diagnostic reading and writing assessments and make instructional recommendations based on current best practices and appropriate tools for specific situations -Use resources determined by the district based with scientifically based reading research and evidence-based practices as intended -Participate in ongoing training that supports reading core instruction, reading intervention, and reading in the content area requirements in the academic standards -Communicate program information, data, goals and effectiveness to different audiences at the school and district level for reflection and action -Employ multiple instructional practices, based on research and culturally relevant pedagogy, to scaffold and accelerate learning for all students in intervention so as to support success in core instruction -Gather, collect, and analyze information related to the level of implementation of the redesigned program to share with school and district leadership -Integrate technology into the intervention program in meaningful and relevant ways for learners. Kindergarten Spanish Literacy Teacher: -Collaborate with Kindergarten teachers to ensure seamless and intentional delivery of the Kindergarten curriculum -Teach eight half hour literacy based Kindergarten classes in Spanish to four classes of students weekly. These classes are intended to help build strong foundational literacy skills -Create lessons that serve as whole class early interventions based on students’ needs.
Art Instructor
.6 FTE Art Instructor Location: Lakeville North High School
English Language Arts
The Richfield Public School District is now accepting applications for a full time English Language Arts Teachers at the Senior High School working with students in grades 9-12 beginning the 2016-2017 school year. New teacher workshop begins 8/23/16 We are located in the heart of the Twin Cities Metropolitan area and serve a diverse student population in Richfield and the surrounding communities. Richfield Public Schools inspires and empowers each individual to learn, grow and excel. Requirements: *Current Minnesota 7-12 English Language Arts license NOTE: This posting is posted on our website as open until filled. Please apply promptly as the date listed below is subject to change.
Special Education Setting III EBD Teacher
The Richfield Public School District is now accepting applications for a full time Special Education Setting III EBD Teacher at R-STEM Elementary School working with students in grades K-5 beginning the 2016-2017 school year. New teacher workshop begins 8/23/16 We are located in the heart of the Twin Cities Metropolitan area and serve a diverse student population in Richfield and the surrounding communities. Richfield Public Schools inspires and empowers each individual to learn, grow and excel. Requirements: *Current Minnesota Special Education EBD license NOTE: This posting is posted on our website as open until filled. Please apply promptly as the date listed below is subject to change.
Special Education DCD Teacher
Full-time Special Education DCD teaching position at Forest Lake Sr. High beginning the 2016-17 school year. Application deadline: July 1, 2016 or until filled.
Office Assistant 1
Description: Office Assistant I, .93 FTE at Eagle Creek. 193 days at 7.5 hours/day. 8:15 am to 4:15 pm Monday-Friday Job Summary: Receptionist – face-to-face and telephone, maintain student attendance data, submit daily lunch counts, oversee staff workroom, update website as needed, assist building secretary with duties as assigned.