Hopkins School District has an opening for a part-time Technology Education teacher for the 2018-2019 school year to teach secondary school level courses in Communications Technology, including woods, digital computer graphics, web design and traditional photography.
Associate Principal (1 year only)
The Hudson School District is seeking an experienced or emerging educational leader as Associate Principal to work collaboratively with an experienced leadership team dedicated to improving student and staff learning. This educator needs a strong commitment and knowledge of elementary school philosophy along with experience, knowledge, and skills to work with staff, students, and parents.
Administrative strengths we seek:
• Core beliefs and a future-focused vision.
• Strong work ethic and passion to seek and implement best practices.
• Ability to focus staff and school efforts on continual improvement of student learning.
• Strong knowledge of effective, evidence-based instructional strategies.
• Ability to design and implement effective high-quality professional development.
• Knowledge about implementing standards-based learning and assessment.
• Ability to use data to set measurable goals to improve student learning.
• Ability to develop teacher leaders and a collaborative team environment with a common purpose.
• Knowledge of student development and effective strategies to handle student issues and discipline.
• Effective interpersonal, communication, facilitation, motivational, managerial, and community-building skills.
The new principal will join a new superintendent and strong team of administrators who lead and learn collaboratively with the goal of improving teaching and learning at their respective schools and throughout the District. The leadership team shares ideas and expertise, solve problems as a team, train together, divide work tasks and responsibilities, and support each other. We are seeking a principal who can learn, partner with colleagues, and contribute to both Elementary and District leadership teams.
School Psychologist
To perform all necessary psychological services to the students as identified as essential functions.
Psychoeducational Assessment:
• Conduct individual student assessments which may include the areas of intelligence, academic achievement, perceptual skills, social/emotional development and social/adaptive skills.
• Prepare written psychoeducational reports.
• Use assessment data to help develop educational programs for students.
Student Support Team Participation:
• Participate on student support teams to develop and evaluate pre-referral interventions.
• Assist with implementation of interventions when appropriate.
• Maintain appropriate documentation of school efforts and follow-up if unsuccessful.
• Consult with teachers and administrators regarding student behavior, social concerns, and academic achievement in order to develop strategies to meet the student’s educational needs.
• Consult with parents to assist them in understanding child development and to develop strategies to address their concerns.
• Assist regular and special education teachers with classroom academic and behavior management plans.
• Identify appropriate outside resources for parents and teachers.
• Provide relevant staff development and parent training.
Student Services Team Collaboration:
• Collaborate with Student Services Team members to develop and implement student programs.
• Assist in the organization and evaluation of the Student Services Team as implemented at the building and District levels.
Student Interventions:
• Provide brief student interventions to improve social/emotional development, alleviate situational stressors and assist with academic difficulties.
• Conduct screenings to determine if other interventions may be appropriate.
• Intervene with students and consult with parents, staff, and other outside agencies when students evidence suicidal ideation, gesturing or attempts.
• Collaborate with other Student Service Team members and building administrators relative to student issues of abuse/harassment.
Due Process Coordination (IDEA, 504 and Child Study):
• Maintain knowledge of current law and practice relative to special education/504 due process procedures.
• Assure compliance with due process procedures from referral through placement.
• Chair IEP/Child Study meetings and complete IEP/Child Study report and other associated paperwork.
• Provide inservice to staff addressing current due process requirements and practices.
General Duties:
• Communicating professionally and respectfully with students, staff, parents, and community members, using oral, written, and electronic means.
• Attending work regularly.
• Performing other duties as assigned.
EVALUATION: Conducted by Building Principal or Associate Principal and Director of Student Services as per the Hudson School District Board of Education Policy.
Teacher- Speech and Language Pathologist
To enable the District to provide quality education for all students in the District.
Professional Skills – The teacher is expected to establish procedures of management to allow a maximum of learning and a minimum of disciplinary action by:
1. Planning and organizing effectively.
2. Demonstrating competency in his/her area.
3. Creating and maintaining an atmosphere conducive to learning.
4. Providing opportunities for individual differences.
5. Making provisions for individual differences.
6. Encouraging the development of independent work habits.
7. Using appropriate language for students to model.
8. Using varied and appropriate instructional techniques to accomplish predetermined instructional objectives.
Professional Relationships: The teacher is expected to establish and maintain a professional relationship with students by:
1. Encouraging respect for the rights, opinions, property, and contributions of others.
2. Being sensitive to factors which affect pupil achievement and behavior.
3. Being available for extra help.
4. Using methods of management that result in desired changes in behavior.
5. Communicating and maintaining a working relationship with parents.
6. Maintaining confidentiality with respect to students and their records.
7. Refraining from personal criticism of staff to students.
8. Avoiding use of position for commercial gain.
The teacher is expected to establish and maintain a professional relationship with fellow staff members by:
9. Cooperating with other staff members.
10. Consulting with co-workers in evaluating and meeting student needs.
11. Leaving clear and complete instructions for substitutes.
12. Following curriculum and policies approved by the Board.
13. Cooperating in evaluation of present curriculum.
14. Recommending possible revision of curriculum.
15. Being proficient or distinguished in all areas listed on the Teacher Performance Evaluation.
16. Communicating professionally and respectfully with students, staff, parents, and community members, using oral, written, and electronic means.
17. Attending work regularly.
18. Performing other duties as assigned.
Professional Development: The teacher is expected to demonstrate professional development by:
1. Participating actively in inservice programs.
2. Keeping abreast of professional developments in his/her particular area and in education as a whole.
3. Exploring new teaching techniques as alternatives to better accomplish predetermined instructional objectives.
EVALUATION: Conducted by Building Principal or Associate Principal and Director of Student Services as per the Hudson School District Board of Education Policy.
Teacher- Spanish
JOB GOAL: To enable the District to provide quality education for all students in the District.
Professional Skills – The teacher is expected to establish procedures of management to allow a maximum of learning and a minimum of disciplinary action by:
1. Planning and organizing effectively.
2. Demonstrating competency in his/her area.
3. Creating and maintaining an atmosphere conducive to learning.
4. Providing opportunities for individual differences.
5. Making provisions for individual differences.
6. Encouraging the development of independent work habits.
7. Using appropriate language for students to model.
8. Using varied and appropriate instructional techniques to accomplish predetermined instructional objectives.
Professional Relationships: The teacher is expected to establish and maintain a professional relationship with students by:
1. Encouraging respect for the rights, opinions, property, and contributions of others.
2. Being sensitive to factors which affect pupil achievement and behavior.
3. Being available for extra help.
4. Using methods of management that result in desired changes in behavior.
5. Communicating and maintaining a working relationship with parents.
6. Maintaining confidentiality with respect to students and their records.
7. Refraining from personal criticism of staff to students.
8. Avoiding use of position for commercial gain.
The teacher is expected to establish and maintain a professional relationship with fellow staff members by:
9. Cooperating with other staff members.
10. Consulting with co-workers in evaluating and meeting student needs.
11. Leaving clear and complete instructions for substitutes.
12. Following curriculum and policies approved by the Board.
13. Cooperating in evaluation of present curriculum.
14. Recommending possible revision of curriculum.
15. Being proficient or distinguished in all areas listed on the Teacher Performance Evaluation.
16. Communicating professionally and respectfully with students, staff, parents, and community members, using oral, written, and electronic means.
17. Attending work regularly.
18. Performing other duties as assigned.
Professional Development: The teacher is expected to demonstrate professional development by:
1. Participating actively in inservice programs.
2. Keeping abreast of professional developments in his/her particular area and in education as a whole.
3. Exploring new teaching techniques as alternatives to better accomplish predetermined instructional objectives.
EVALUATION: Conducted by Building Principal or Associate Principal and Director of Student Services as per the Hudson School District Board of Education Policy.
Teacher- Science (Grade 6)
JOB GOAL: To enable the District to provide quality education for all students in the District.
Professional Skills – The teacher is expected to establish procedures of management to allow a maximum of learning and a minimum of disciplinary action by:
1. Planning and organizing effectively.
2. Demonstrating competency in his/her area.
3. Creating and maintaining an atmosphere conducive to learning.
4. Providing opportunities for individual differences.
5. Making provisions for individual differences.
6. Encouraging the development of independent work habits.
7. Using appropriate language for students to model.
8. Using varied and appropriate instructional techniques to accomplish predetermined instructional objectives.
Professional Relationships: The teacher is expected to establish and maintain a professional relationship with students by:
1. Encouraging respect for the rights, opinions, property, and contributions of others.
2. Being sensitive to factors which affect pupil achievement and behavior.
3. Being available for extra help.
4. Using methods of management that result in desired changes in behavior.
5. Communicating and maintaining a working relationship with parents.
6. Maintaining confidentiality with respect to students and their records.
7. Refraining from personal criticism of staff to students.
8. Avoiding use of position for commercial gain.
The teacher is expected to establish and maintain a professional relationship with fellow staff members by:
9. Cooperating with other staff members.
10. Consulting with co-workers in evaluating and meeting student needs.
11. Leaving clear and complete instructions for substitutes.
12. Following curriculum and policies approved by the Board.
13. Cooperating in evaluation of present curriculum.
14. Recommending possible revision of curriculum.
15. Being proficient or distinguished in all areas listed on the Teacher Performance Evaluation.
16. Communicating professionally and respectfully with students, staff, parents, and community members, using oral, written, and electronic means.
17. Attending work regularly.
18. Performing other duties as assigned.
Professional Development: The teacher is expected to demonstrate professional development by:
1. Participating actively in inservice programs.
2. Keeping abreast of professional developments in his/her particular area and in education as a whole.
3. Exploring new teaching techniques as alternatives to better accomplish predetermined instructional objectives.
EVALUATION: Conducted by Building Principal or Associate Principal and Director of Student Services as per the Hudson School District Board of Education Policy.