Eagle Ridge Academy is a Tuition-Free Classical, College-Preparatory Charter School serving almost 1,400 students in grades K-12. Eagle Ridge offers an academically rigorous education that uses a time-tested, Classical, liberal arts curriculum.
There are numerous strands and focuses of Classical Education. Eagle Ridge Academy is focused on a solid foundation that works in conjunction with the school’s pillars and Latin Motto. The following virtues constitute the school’s pillars: Citizenship, Integrity, Perseverance, Honor, Excellence, and Respect. We follow the pursuit of the “Veritas, Pulchritudo, Probitas”; identifying in Latin the central tenants of our school: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. Using these virtues and tenants as foundations, Eagle Ridge Academy is able to fulfill its mission of providing students with a traditional, Classical Education that demands their best in academic achievement, behavior and attitude, and challenges them to attain their highest potential.
Eagle Ridge Academy is searching for a Principal of our Schools of Logic (middle school) & Rhetoric (high school) to begin July 1, 2018 or soon before. The ideal candidate will have demonstrated leadership experience and have a passion for the mission and vision of Eagle Ridge Academy. The Principal will be a visionary leader that will help lead us into the future and be able to stay connected with staff and families. A balance of strategic and operational leadership required and the ideal candidate will need to lead by being present and visible. The Principal will need to support our current leadership culture of approachability, transparency, trust, and high expectations for self and other.
Eagle Ridge Academy students are expected to grow towards reaching their highest potential. We expect this also of our staff and leaders. Leaders should model being a reflective practitioner and lifelong learner. The Principal will be a member of the Executive Director Leadership Team is expected to be collegial and have a belief in shared decision making at the district and school level. Shared decision making at the school level will include and Assistant Principal and a Leadership Advisory Team comprised of grade level teacher leaders.