DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL EDUCATION for the Northwest Regional Interdistrict Council Special Education Cooperative located in northwest Minnesota. POSITION PURPOSE: Assure the smooth & efficient coordination of special education services with school districts who are members of cooperative. IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR: NWRIC School Board SUPERVISORY GROUP: Superintendents of Member Districts SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITIES: All staff and consultants hired by NWRIC #382-52 providing services to member districts. PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES: 1.Policy development and implementation to assure free and appropriate public education and related due process rights to all children with disabilities within the member districts. 2.Update all Minnesota School Board Association (MSBA) mandated policies. 3.Administer and oversee the financial operations of the Cooperative. 4.Recommend an annual operating budget to the NWRIC board. 5.Assist Districts in obtaining maximum special education revenue. 6.Ensure district compliance with state and federal laws, rules and regulations pertaining to special education. 7.Maintain and monitor appropriate due process procedures and compliance for member Districts. 8.Recruitment, employment, supervision, evaluation, and management of special education personnel of the NWRIC. 9.Recommend staffing for NWRIC. 10. Coordinate consultation and technical assistance of Special Education services in districts. 11. Provides observation and input concerning special education personnel to district administrators. 12. Completion of required State and Federal Special Education reports. 13. Maintain Member Districts’ Total Special Education System (TSES) document. 14. Plan, develop, and provide professional development opportunities for NWRIC and member district staff. 15. Promote, participate in and assist in implementation of interagency collaboration. 16. Prepares contracts with other agencies to ensure the provision of a free & appropriate public education. 17. Meet with District Superintendents and Principals as needed, or requested, to provide updates in the area of Special Education. 18. Provide support services to administration and education staff in member districts. 19. Attend State Special Education meetings and Directors’ Forums in person, or online as needed to have a current understanding of all rules, regulations, and requirements pertaining to special education.
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