Please contact the superintendent directly, Dr. Jill C. Louters, Superintendent: [email protected]
Interim Middle School Principal
TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: This is a one year position beginning July 29, 2019 and ending June 26, 2020.
REPORTS TO: Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education
SUPERVISES: All staff and students of the school
MAJOR PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES: The role of the Principal is to supervise the overall operation of the school, giving direction and supervision to the educational program, implementing the policies of the school board, and carrying out the directives of the Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education. The responsibilities of the Principal include:
Identify, pursue, and coordinate the use of all resources to achieve the school’s mission and goals.
Create an environment that contributes to the desired performance of students and teachers in accordance with the school’s philosophy and mission statement.
Provide professional growth opportunities for all staff members at the building level.
Implement a school improvement process.
Serve on committees as assigned by Central Administration.
Participate in local, state, and national professional organizations.
Keep current with trends, issues, and practices in education at the local, state, and national level.
Curriculum and Instruction
Assist in selection, development and implementation of curriculum.
Assist teachers, parents, and students in developing appropriate educational plans for students.
Provide and coordinate diverse co-curricular program for all students.
Work with Special Education Department in the referral, staffing, and placement of special needs students.
Oversee the administration of all programs and develop the master schedule.
Implement the policies of the School Board and directives from Central Administration.
Maintain student discipline consistent with school rules and policies as annually outlined and updated in the student handbook.
Maintain an accurate pupil record and reporting system.
Administer the building budget and account for all expenditures.
Maintain an accurate inventory.
Complete local, state, and federal reports.
Supervise all areas of the plant and grounds.
Participate in planning and supervising construction and renovations to the school plant.
Prepare for emergency situations and communicate and practice emergency drills as appropriate.
Recruit, select, and orientate and train all personnel in the building.
Delegate duties to certified and non-certified staff, supervise and evaluate staff according to district and state regulations.
Maintain communications with building and district personnel, community organizations and media; and collaborate with other educational and social agencies and the community.
Encourage and promote parent involvement in the school.
Provide appropriate written communications: school newsletters, handbook, etc.
Supervise the planning and promotion of school activities.
Applicants must attach the following documents:
Resume including a reference list
Cover Letter
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Duties and Responsibilities
• Collaborate with teachers, parents, and administrators to find effective solutions to learning and
behavior problems
• Design and implement academic and behavioral interventions
• Design and implement student progress monitoring systems
• Conduct assessments to identify students’ eligibility for special education and other educational
services (within a multidisciplinary team)
• Determine social-emotional development and mental health status
• Use valid and reliable assessment techniques to assess progress toward academic and
behavioral goals, to measures responses to interventions, and to revise interventions as
• Use a consultative problem solving process to plan, implement, and evaluate academic and
mental health services
• Effectively communicate information for diverse audiences, such as parents, teachers, and
other school personnel
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• Facilitate communication and collaboration among diverse school personnel, families,
community professionals, and others
• Utilize a problem solving framework to address the needs of English language learners
• Consult and collaborate at the individual, family, group, and system levels
• Evaluate learning environments
• Participate in developing programming designed to meet individual needs of students
• Collaborate with teachers regarding learning styles, teaching strategies, individual needs, and
classroom management
• Assist parents in understanding parent/child relationships, social development, peer relations,
and child development
• Observe children in the classroom to assess learning environments
• Serve as liaison for school/community agencies and resources
• Conduct formal and informal assessment to determine a child’s ability, learning styles,
emotional development, and social skills
• Provide individual and group counseling
• Enhance understanding and acceptance of diverse cultures and backgrounds
• Identify and address learning and behavior problems that interfere with school success
• Support students’ social, emotional, and behavioral health
• Provide training in social skills and anger management
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