Job Title- 4th Grade Classroom Teacher
Job Description- 1.0 FTE
Qualifications- Candidates must have or be eligible for WI DPI certification in Elementary and/or Middle School Education
Minnesota Association of School Administrators
Job Title- 4th Grade Classroom Teacher
Job Description- 1.0 FTE
Qualifications- Candidates must have or be eligible for WI DPI certification in Elementary and/or Middle School Education
To help students master subject matter and skills in a learning environment which allows for the intellectual, physical, emotional, cultural, social and ethical growth of children in a changing world.
Building principal or person designated by the district administrator.
Students, student teachers or others as assigned.
The classroom teacher shall:
1. Make provisions in the classroom utilizing the philosophy that all children can learn as per mission statement.
2. Teach curriculum as per scope and sequence and/or department curriculum.
3. Modify curriculum as appropriate and as needed in the curriculum review cycle.
4. Provide an appropriate opportunity for students to master the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards.
5. Provide in a timely fashion the necessary documentation for completing the materials adoption process when appropriate.
6. Develop, implement and evaluate personal and professional instructional goals with the assistance of the building principal as part of ongoing staff development.
7. Identify and provide a program of study that meets the individual needs, interests and abilities of students.
8. Prepare for classes assigned and provide written evidence of preparation per building procedures.
9. Guide the learning process toward the achievement of curriculum goals, consistent with the district’s philosophy, and establish clear objectives for all lessons, units, projects and communicate these objectives to students.
10. Strive to implement, by instruction and action, the district’s educational philosophy and instructional goals and objectives.
11. Create a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and appropriate to the maturity and interests of students.
12. Encourage students to set and maintain standards of classroom behavior.
13. Develop reasonable rules for classroom behavior and related procedures.
14. Maintain order in the classroom in a consistently fair and just manner.
15. Employ a variety of instructional techniques, instructional media and assessment tools.
16. Assess the accomplishments of students on a regular basis, provide timely feedback to students, and provide progress reports as required.
17. Assess student progress towards mastery of the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards as appropriate.
18. Identify any learning and behavioral difficulties of students on a regular basis, seeking the assistance of district specialists and the Individual Education Team meeting.
19. Take necessary and reasonable precautions to protect students, equipment, materials and facilities.
20. Maintain accurate and complete records as required by law, Board policy and administrative regulation.
21. Assist the administration in implementing Board policies and rules.
22. Encourage parent/guardian involvement by taking an active role and being available to students and parents/guardians for education-related purposes when required or requested to do so under reasonable terms.
23. Maintain effective lines of communication among staff, parents/guardians and supervisors to assist in the education of each child.
24. Serve as a role model by demonstrating a positive attitude, appropriate dress, timeliness, proper preparation and strong work habits.
25. Be responsible for students in his/her charge and for any and all students of the school during the school day and during school functions.
26. Work cooperatively with all staff, promote interdisciplinary collaboration and be supportive of other building/district programs.
27. Take responsibility for staying professionally current.
28. Attend all building faculty, department and Individual Education Plan (IEP) staffings and meetings as required or upon request.
29. Assume all other responsibilities and perform all other duties as assigned by the building principal or person designated by the district administrator.
To help students master subject matter and skills in a learning environment which allows for the intellectual, physical, emotional, cultural, social and ethical growth of children in a changing world.
Building principal or person designated by the district administrator.
Students, student teachers or others as assigned.
The classroom teacher shall:
1. Make provisions in the classroom utilizing the philosophy that all children can learn as per mission statement.
2. Teach curriculum as per scope and sequence and/or department curriculum.
3. Modify curriculum as appropriate and as needed in the curriculum review cycle.
4. Provide an appropriate opportunity for students to master the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards.
5. Provide in a timely fashion the necessary documentation for completing the materials adoption process when appropriate.
6. Develop, implement and evaluate personal and professional instructional goals with the assistance of the building principal as part of ongoing staff development.
7. Identify and provide a program of study that meets the individual needs, interests and abilities of students.
8. Prepare for classes assigned and provide written evidence of preparation per building procedures.
9. Guide the learning process toward the achievement of curriculum goals, consistent with the district’s philosophy, and establish clear objectives for all lessons, units, projects and communicate these objectives to students.
10. Strive to implement, by instruction and action, the district’s educational philosophy and instructional goals and objectives.
11. Create a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and appropriate to the maturity and interests of students.
12. Encourage students to set and maintain standards of classroom behavior.
13. Develop reasonable rules for classroom behavior and related procedures.
14. Maintain order in the classroom in a consistently fair and just manner.
15. Employ a variety of instructional techniques, instructional media and assessment tools.
16. Assess the accomplishments of students on a regular basis, provide timely feedback to students, and provide progress reports as required.
17. Assess student progress towards mastery of the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards as appropriate.
18. Identify any learning and behavioral difficulties of students on a regular basis, seeking the assistance of district specialists and the Individual Education Team meeting.
19. Take necessary and reasonable precautions to protect students, equipment, materials and facilities.
20. Maintain accurate and complete records as required by law, Board policy and administrative regulation.
21. Assist the administration in implementing Board policies and rules.
22. Encourage parent/guardian involvement by taking an active role and being available to students and parents/guardians for education-related purposes when required or requested to do so under reasonable terms.
23. Maintain effective lines of communication among staff, parents/guardians and supervisors to assist in the education of each child.
24. Serve as a role model by demonstrating a positive attitude, appropriate dress, timeliness, proper preparation and strong work habits.
25. Be responsible for students in his/her charge and for any and all students of the school during the school day and during school functions.
26. Work cooperatively with all staff, promote interdisciplinary collaboration and be supportive of other building/district programs.
27. Take responsibility for staying professionally current.
28. Attend all building faculty, department and Individual Education Plan (IEP) staffings and meetings as required or upon request.
29. Assume all other responsibilities and perform all other duties as assigned by the building principal or person designated by the district administrator.
To help students master subject matter and skills in a learning environment which allows for the intellectual, physical, emotional, cultural, social and ethical growth of children in a changing world.
Building principal or person designated by the district administrator.
Students, student teachers or others as assigned.
The classroom teacher shall:
1. Make provisions in the classroom utilizing the philosophy that all children can learn as per mission statement.
2. Teach curriculum as per scope and sequence and/or department curriculum.
3. Modify curriculum as appropriate and as needed in the curriculum review cycle.
4. Provide an appropriate opportunity for students to master the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards.
5. Provide in a timely fashion the necessary documentation for completing the materials adoption process when appropriate.
6. Develop, implement and evaluate personal and professional instructional goals with the assistance of the building principal as part of ongoing staff development.
7. Identify and provide a program of study that meets the individual needs, interests and abilities of students.
8. Prepare for classes assigned and provide written evidence of preparation per building procedures.
9. Guide the learning process toward the achievement of curriculum goals, consistent with the district’s philosophy, and establish clear objectives for all lessons, units, projects and communicate these objectives to students.
10. Strive to implement, by instruction and action, the district’s educational philosophy and instructional goals and objectives.
11. Create a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and appropriate to the maturity and interests of students.
12. Encourage students to set and maintain standards of classroom behavior.
13. Develop reasonable rules for classroom behavior and related procedures.
14. Maintain order in the classroom in a consistently fair and just manner.
15. Employ a variety of instructional techniques, instructional media and assessment tools.
16. Assess the accomplishments of students on a regular basis, provide timely feedback to students, and provide progress reports as required.
17. Assess student progress towards mastery of the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards as appropriate.
18. Identify any learning and behavioral difficulties of students on a regular basis, seeking the assistance of district specialists and the Individual Education Team meeting.
19. Take necessary and reasonable precautions to protect students, equipment, materials and facilities.
20. Maintain accurate and complete records as required by law, Board policy and administrative regulation.
21. Assist the administration in implementing Board policies and rules.
22. Encourage parent/guardian involvement by taking an active role and being available to students and parents/guardians for education-related purposes when required or requested to do so under reasonable terms.
23. Maintain effective lines of communication among staff, parents/guardians and supervisors to assist in the education of each child.
24. Serve as a role model by demonstrating a positive attitude, appropriate dress, timeliness, proper preparation and strong work habits.
25. Be responsible for students in his/her charge and for any and all students of the school during the school day and during school functions.
26. Work cooperatively with all staff, promote interdisciplinary collaboration and be supportive of other building/district programs.
27. Take responsibility for staying professionally current.
28. Attend all building faculty, department and Individual Education Plan (IEP) staffings and meetings as required or upon request.
29. Assume all other responsibilities and perform all other duties as assigned by the building principal or person designated by the district administrator.
To help students master subject matter and skills in a learning environment which allows for the intellectual, physical, emotional, cultural, social and ethical growth of children in a changing world.
Building principal or person designated by the district administrator.
Students, student teachers or others as assigned.
The classroom teacher shall:
1. Make provisions in the classroom utilizing the philosophy that all children can learn as per mission statement.
2. Teach curriculum as per scope and sequence and/or department curriculum.
3. Modify curriculum as appropriate and as needed in the curriculum review cycle.
4. Provide an appropriate opportunity for students to master the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards.
5. Provide in a timely fashion the necessary documentation for completing the materials adoption process when appropriate.
6. Develop, implement and evaluate personal and professional instructional goals with the assistance of the building principal as part of ongoing staff development.
7. Identify and provide a program of study that meets the individual needs, interests and abilities of students.
8. Prepare for classes assigned and provide written evidence of preparation per building procedures.
9. Guide the learning process toward the achievement of curriculum goals, consistent with the district’s philosophy, and establish clear objectives for all lessons, units, projects and communicate these objectives to students.
10. Strive to implement, by instruction and action, the district’s educational philosophy and instructional goals and objectives.
11. Create a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and appropriate to the maturity and interests of students.
12. Encourage students to set and maintain standards of classroom behavior.
13. Develop reasonable rules for classroom behavior and related procedures.
14. Maintain order in the classroom in a consistently fair and just manner.
15. Employ a variety of instructional techniques, instructional media and assessment tools.
16. Assess the accomplishments of students on a regular basis, provide timely feedback to students, and provide progress reports as required.
17. Assess student progress towards mastery of the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards as appropriate.
18. Identify any learning and behavioral difficulties of students on a regular basis, seeking the assistance of district specialists and the Individual Education Team meeting.
19. Take necessary and reasonable precautions to protect students, equipment, materials and facilities.
20. Maintain accurate and complete records as required by law, Board policy and administrative regulation.
21. Assist the administration in implementing Board policies and rules.
22. Encourage parent/guardian involvement by taking an active role and being available to students and parents/guardians for education-related purposes when required or requested to do so under reasonable terms.
23. Maintain effective lines of communication among staff, parents/guardians and supervisors to assist in the education of each child.
24. Serve as a role model by demonstrating a positive attitude, appropriate dress, timeliness, proper preparation and strong work habits.
25. Be responsible for students in his/her charge and for any and all students of the school during the school day and during school functions.
26. Work cooperatively with all staff, promote interdisciplinary collaboration and be supportive of other building/district programs.
27. Take responsibility for staying professionally current.
28. Attend all building faculty, department and Individual Education Plan (IEP) staffings and meetings as required or upon request.
29. Assume all other responsibilities and perform all other duties as assigned by the building principal or person designated by the district administrator.
The Physical Therapist is responsible for the evaluation, program development, and delivery of physical therapy to eligible students. Responsibilities also include the evaluation of student progress, program evaluation, consultation and training for staff and parents, and liaison services with medical and other outside service agencies.
Director of Student Services
1. Assess student needs to determine functional level, gross and fine motor abilities and sensory/motor abilities to establish performance baselines.
2. Participate in multidisciplinary team decision making and in writing individual education program goals and relating to therapy required in the educational setting.
3. Develop therapeutic programs to assist the student in the educational setting to include gross motor skill development and mobility.
4. Manage and provide related physical therapy in the educational setting using therapeutic and instructional methods that are appropriate to meet the stated objectives.
5. Provide consultation, in-service and training to teachers, aides, administrators, students and parents about assistive devices, adaptive equipment and classroom adaptations as necessary to promote gross motor movements.
6. Act as a liaison between medical and educational personnel regarding the child’s physical condition and its effectiveness on learning and level of functioning.
7. Document student progress and systematically evaluate the program.
8. Attend student, school and district level meetings as required.
9. Works cooperatively with staff, students, parents and the community.
10. Additional duties and responsibilities as assigned.